Oct 28

271 7 155

A/N: Here comes the party night! With a vaguely outdated party playlist, but it's fine because the songs are all for thematic purposes *cough cough*...

Sorry if this isn't like, realistic because I've only been to one house party at the time of writing this T-T hopefully that would've changed by the time I'm publishing this. (I'm not a party animal.)

This chapter is also half-song fic (classic Wattpad) but at least I had fun writing it :D


Name: BlueInk

Posted on: October 28. 11:04am.

Message: we've got a party tonight yaaaass


Name: DollyLlama

Commented on: October 28. 11:11am.

Comment: i CANNOT wait for school to end


Name: UndeadFox

Commented on: October 28. 11:15am

Comment: The way the teachers can just TELL we're all excited


The music was already pounding through the walls when Alex arrived with Conner and Bree. Alex's hands were sweaty despite the night chill, and she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Don't be so scared!" Conner called out. "Coral's a great host! And besides, we know everyone here!"

It was already a little difficult to hear his voice over the music. "You can stick with us if you like," Bree offered with a kind smile.

"Uh, thanks but I think I can manage." Alex wasn't looking forward to seeing her brother make out with his girlfriend.

Conner was wearing one of his nicer shirts (and Alex knew just how... unique Conner's taste could be), and Bree was in a cute black dress. Although she'd let down her blonde hair (gasp!), she still had her signature beanie on.

Still, the trio made their way around the place. Coral was pretty well off, with a snacks table both inside and outside of the house, fairy lights on the trees, and even a pool. A circle of teenagers were already dancing in a corner, but most of them were just mingling. (It was far too early for anything chaotic to happen yet.)

"Hey Alex! You're looking really cute tonight!"

Alex managed not to jump out of her skin and smiled at the girl who'd complimented her. She was a familiar face — Alex knew they had Math together. "Aww you're too kind! You look great too— the green really brings out your eyes."

"I haven't seen you wear this kind of stuff before, but it really suits you! The butterflies are soo cute."

Alex was wearing a flowy white dress with satin butterflies etched on it, giving it an ethereal and dreamlike quality. She blushed at the compliment. Alex used to be intimidated by the "popular" girls, but by now she realised some of them were genuinely nice and outgoing. Finally, Alex could fit in with the centerstage crowd when she'd spent so many years standing on the sidelines. Everything was finally coming together.

Slightly nervous, Alex hovered around Conner. "People are looking at me," she muttered.

"Yeah, the whole world should appreciate my darling sister," was Conner's cheerful reply. "C'mon, lighten up and have some fun!"

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