Squad 12's Mad Scientist Mayuri Kurotsuchi

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After saying goodbye to Yumichika, Akari headed over to Squad 1's barracks. She stopped at the large sliding doors in front of her, hesitating on whether she should go in. She wanted to talk with her father, at least try to make up with him. She can do this. She cleared her throat announcing herself.

"Um, dad. It's me. May I come in?"

"Come in." She heard her father's deep and stern voice. Akari opened the door and stepped inside his office to see her father sitting down at his desk, writing and filling out some papers. Akari slowly walked over until she stood in front of him. Yamamoto still hadn't looked at her since she came in as he continued on the paperwork.

"Hey...dad. Thought I'd drop in." Akari smiled. "Do you want to play a game of shogi, like old times?"

The head captain didn't answer her, making Akari a little angrier. She slammed her hands on the desk with a loud thud and the head captain paused for a second before continuing with what he was doing, ignoring her once more.

"Talk to me!"

"I don't have time for this-"

Then a tall older man stepped into the room, heading towards Yamamoto and Akari. He had pupil-less eyes, tan skin, short silver grey hair and a small black mustache. He wore a white jinbaori over his shihakusho that had a white turtleneck and white arm guards. On his upper left arm, he had a Lieutenant arm band. Chojiro Sasakibe. His eyes widen a little in surprise, seeing Akari. "Chojiro."

"Akari. It's wonderful to see you again."

"Thanks that's good to hear coming from you unlike someone..."

"If you have nothing important to say, you may leave." Akari clenched her fists and turned back to the head captain.

"You know what, I'm done. You're never going to change. I don't know why I think you would. I thought you would be happy and relieved to see me back, but I guess I was wrong." She stomped out and slammed the door behind her, leaving.

"She looks so much like her mother. She's definitely inherited her wild rambunctious attitude." Chojiro commented.

"That's what scares me." Yamamoto sighed. "She's reckless like her mother."

Kenpachi was walking in the Seireitei heading back to the squad 11 barracks when he heard Yachiru call out to him. "Hey Kenny!" She hopped down from the rooftop, landing on his shoulder. "You're never going to guess who stopped by!" Kenpachi continued to walk as she rode on his back.

"Is it one of those idiots?" Kenpachi asked referring to Ikkaku and Yumichika. Yachiru shook her head.

"No! It's our newest member! Did you forget her already!?" Yachiru shouted.

"That woman? What did she want?" Kenpachi wondered.

"Well, she wanted to fight you but I told her that you stepped out for a bit." Yachiru told him. "As I was coming back from Bya-Kun

"Say what now?" Kenpachi asked, surprised.

"Yeah! I saw her being dragged away by Nemmy!" He had a bad feeling about this. Kenpachi stayed silent for a moment before he continued on, walking a little faster before he flash stepped and was now running.

"Kenny, where are you going?" Yachiru asked him.

"Maybe I should stop by my secret hideout. It always helps me cool down after an argument." Akari murmured to herself as she walked. "I wonder if it's still there."

"My captain has asked to see you." A soft low monotonous voice spoke. Akari jumped, completely startled, and saw a pale woman with deep green eyes. Her dark hair was pulled back in a braided ponytail with slightly parted short bangs. She wore a short black kimono that reached to her mid thighs with puffier upper sleeves, white gloves, a white obi fastened by a red cord and a dark red choker. On her left arm there was a Lieutenant armband.

"Uh, I'm kind of busy at the moment. Maybe later." Akari told her about to leave when the woman grabbed Akari's arm, stopping her.

"My captain has asked to see you. You mustn't disappoint him."

"Let go of me, you weirdo!" Akari shouted. Then Akari felt a sharp jab to her neck when the woman injected her with something with a needle. Akari felt her whole body slowly going numb unable to move a muscle. The woman quickly took the advantage and body slammed Akari to the ground, pinning her down. Akari's vision went black as she blacked out.

Akari groaned as she slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the lights from the many computers in the slightly dark room. She was sprawled out on a lab table and saw the woman and the creepy man from the meeting room. Akari was starting to get a little more feeling in her fingers and legs as her body fought against the poison. She remained still to look helpless, trying not to draw suspicion, hearing the two talking to each other. "Captain, I brought her just as you asked." The woman slightly bowed to the man. The 12th division captain leered down at Akari with a wide grin painted on his face, seeing that she was awake, before turning back to his assistant.

"Very good, Nemu. Maybe you aren't a good for nothing after all. You may leave." He waved for her to go, and she quietly left the room, leaving Akari alone with him.

"Who the hell are you?" Akari demanded.

"My, my such language to address to your superior officer, especially to a captain. We'll have to fix that." Mayuri chuckled. "You may know me as, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. I am the captain of the 12th division of Research and Development. You my dear, interest me. How was your body able to sustain its current form after all these years?"

"I already told you and the other captains. I was stuck in a crystal." Akari frowned, narrowing her eyes at him, watching his every movement. She had to get out of here fast!

"I am also surprised that you're able to talk at all with the paralytic poison in your body." He reached over to a table that had a tray with some surgical tools on it and picked up a saw. "I'm going to have so much fun dissecting you!"

"Wait! Stop!"

The door slammed open, revealing Kenpachi as he stormed into the lab. Yachiru was silently watching as she hung onto his shoulder.

"Hey, Mayuri, who gives you the right to go and experiment on other squads' members other than your own, especially mine!" Kenpachi growled. However, his eyes widen a little in shock to see Mayuri grasping his arm in pain as his severed limb laid on the floor and Akari standing in front of him with her sword drawn.

"You little! How dare you!-" Mayuri hissed, furiously.

"Keep your grubby hands to yourself!" Akari growled, threateningly.

"Looks like you've got yourself handled." Kenpachi smirked, making a small laugh. Mayuri quickly rushed over to a set of drawers and opened one and pulled out a syringe injecting himself with it. His groaned painfully as a newly formed arm began to grow, replacing his missing limb. He panted, glaring dangerously at Akari.

"Oh, it grows back? That's great. So, I don't have to feel bad then." Akari said, smiling.

"Zaraki! I demand punishment for this!" He shouted.

"You brought this on yourself. I have nothing to do with this." Kenpachi told him then he looked at Akari. "You. We're heading back. Come on." He turned and walked away, leaving the room with Yachiru. "Right behind you." Akari quickly followed behind him, leaving as well.

Mayuri growled as he watched the two left before he heard his computer beep. While Akari was unconscious, Mayuri had managed to draw some blood from her. He walked over to it and saw that it had finished uploading the data. His eyes scanned the screen reading the results before they went wide in shock. He let out a mad cackle before he smirked.

"Well, now, this is very interesting, indeed."

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