The Gotei 13

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"So, tell me about the Squads. What are they about?" Akari asked as she walked with Ikkaku and Yumichika into the Seireitei as they took her to the meeting room.

 A few feet away, they walked past a woman with pale skin, short black hair with several strands sticking to her face and deep purplish-blueish eyes and a man with red hair shaped like a pineapple with tattoos on the side of his neck, who was busy talking to her not noticing the three of them as they left. The woman noticed Akari from a far, eyeing her curiously.

"Each 13 squad has something they specialize in and is led by a captain. One, command. They oversee the entire Seireitei and Soul Society. Two, Stealth. They control a special task force. Third, Intelligence and Information. Four, Medical. Five, Kido Corps. Six, Internal Affairs. Seven, maintain peace between the Seireitei and the Rukongai. Eight, Reinforcement. Nine, Counter Intelligence. They prevent information from being leaked out. Ten, plan operations and rescue. Eleven, where Ikkaku and I are in, we specialize in fighting. Twelve, Research and Development through technology. And last Thirteen specialize in Defense and protect the Seireitei. And with each division a soul reaper has a seat they are assigned to. The higher the seat the stronger they are." Yumichika explained to Akari.

"What are your seats?" She asked them.

"I'm a 3rd seat." Ikkaku smirked.

"And I'm 5th." Yumichika told her.

"You two must be really strong then." Akari said.

"Well, if you ever decided to come to Squad 11 maybe we can spar sometime! I've been itching to fight you." Ikkaku replied.

"Sounds great!" Akari smiled, stopping in front of a large big door. She could hear voices inside.

"Wait! You can't go in there! There's a meeting right now!-" Akari quickly kicked opened the door.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Akari's eyes widen when she heard an old man's voice shouting. She saw that there were other people in the room as well, wearing white haoris with numbers on the back, standing across from each other, numerically. However, there were three missing. 3, 5, and 9. From the end going straight down, Squad 13 was a tall man with very pale skin, dark green eyes, and long white hair. Squad 12 was a man from what she assumed it was, skeletal like in appearance, grinning smile, his entire body was covered in black and white paint ears were covered in yellow cones, golden eyes, wearing a white hat with two ends pointing to the right, a purple scarf. Squad 11, a taller, muscular man, a long face with high pronounced cheek bones, hairless brow ridges, short sleeved haori with ragged ends, and white bandages across his midsection, with spiky hair with bells tied at the ends, wore an eye patch on his right eye, and a scar on the left side of his face running straight down.

Squad 10 was a shorter younger man with short spiky white hair and icy blue eyes, his zanpakuto strapped to his back. Squad 8, a tall man with light skin, high cheek bones, grey eyes and long wavy brown hair in a ponytail with pinwheel hairpins, a long bang covering the left side of his face, wearing a straw hat and pink flowered lady's kimono draped over his shoulders, a thin beard. Squad 7 was a humanoid wolf with light brown fur. Squad 6 was a tall man with grey eyes, long black hair held up by a white hair piece, wearing a white silk scarf. Squad 4, a woman with dark blue eyes, long black hair tied in a braid in front of her body wearing a dark obi around her waist. Squad 2, a young woman with short black hair with two long strands wrapped in cloth and a gold ring at the end, wearing a sleeveless haori, dark arm bands and yellow obi. Akari's eyes fell on Squad 1, a bald old man with scars and deep wrinkles, long eyebrows, white beard reaching down to his waist.

Squad 11's captain green eyes eyed Akari curiously as she strode past him and the other captains, heading straight towards Yamamoto. Akari stopped in front of him and quickly knelt down to the floor, bowing to him.

"I'm sorry for reporting 1000 years late...father." Everyone in the room went dead silent in shock and so did Ikkaku and Yumichika.

"Old man Yamma, who is this?" Squad 8 captain asked him.

"You must be mistaken, child. I have no daughter. She died a long time ago."

"Try being trapped inside of a crystal." She corrected him. "It's thanks to these two that I'm now free. I may have gone through a few changes. It's really me, father. I'm back. And...not just me." Akari told him about the shadow hallows and have they had still survived after all these years.

"That's impossible. Shadow hallows were completely wiped out."

"If you don't mind me speaking, Head Captain Yamamoto. Not all of them. We fought one and had a tough time trying to kill it." Ikkaku spoke.

"Or maybe you two are slacking a bit." Akari head the gruff voice coming from The Squad 11 Captain. She quickly turned to him.

"No. They were right it was hard to kill, and they are. Don't underestimate them. Shadow hallows are extremely dangerous and I believe that they have infiltrated the soul society as we speak." Akari frowned. The man made a wide grin full of animosity.

"If you say they are dangerous as you say they are then maybe I can finally have a challenge. Been kind of boring around here, lately."

"You're a fool!" Akari shouted at him.

"Enough." Everyone heard Yamamoto snapped and everyone went quiet. "We'll deal with it later. Right now, we have other matters to deal with Hueco Mundo."

"Hueco Mundo?" Akari questioned.

"You may have noticed that there are some captains missing. They went rogue." The 13 Squad captain told her. Akari's eyes widen in surprise.

"How in the hell did that happen?" She said. Yamamoto and the captains from Squad 8 and 4 explained to her the situation. Several ryokas sneaked into the Soul Society to save someone called Rukia. And three captains named Sosuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tosen stole something called the Hogyoku and ran off to Hueco Mundo. "Sounds like you have your hands full."

"It's been a long time since you've been gone. The squads have been formed and you need to be in one." Yamamoto spoke.

"Squad 11." Akari said.

"There are other-"

"I've made up my mind." Akari said firmly. Then a loud laugh boomed and Akari knew it was from the Squad 11 captain. 

"Well, I hate to break it to you, little girl. But the only way to get into Squad 11 is to have a fight with me. And I don't let women join. Only I can say if your good enough to stay or not. You're better off in the healing squad."

Akari smiled. "So, you're saying I have to fight you and you'll let me in. Okay, sounds fun. It's been a while since I been able to move around. It'll be a nice warm up."

"You are going to regret those words."

"Not in here! Take it outside!" the squad 2 captain shouted at them.

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