Bankai Ryujin Hebimaru

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Renji and Rukia quickly flash stepped as they appeared next to Akari, Yumichika and Ikkaku. "Are you guys, okay?" Renji asked.

"We're fine." Ikkaku growled. Akari got up as she watched Kenpachi began to clash with the shadow hallow. Kenpachi swung his sword down on the hallow's head. It didn't leave a mark. Kenpachi's eyes widen in surprise. The shadow hallow bucked Kenpachi off. Kenpachi landed on the ground and Yachiru hopped off from his back, landing with the others. Kenpachi quickly flash stepped striking at the hallow repeatedly with his sword. With each strike did barely any minimum damage as his sword bounced off the hallow's diamond hard skin. The shadow hallow used one of its legs to smack Kenpachi away and the soul reaper captain smashed into one of the resident buildings.

"Damn it." Ikkaku hissed. Akari was about to charge at the hallow but Yumichika grabbed her by her shoulder stopping her. "Don't. If you get in his way, Captain Zaraki really will strike you down. He doesn't like to have his fights interrupted."

"He doesn't know how to defeat it!" Akari shouted. Kenpachi growled as he pushed some of the fallen rubble of the roof off of him and stood up, glaring at the hallow.

"Come on! Let's us help!" Akari called out.

"Don't interfere!" Kenpachi shouted at her and he darted towards the hallow, attacking it again.

"Don't worry, Kenny's got this. There isn't anything he can't cut." Yachiru told her. "Just don't get in his way."

"I'm not so sure about that, sweetie." Akari spoke. Yachiru blinked at her. "What do you mean?"

"It's skin is hard to penetrate. But it does have a weak spot. You have to hit it hard in the center." Akari said. Yumichika and Ikkaku turned back towards their captain.

"Captain! Listen to her!" Ikkaku shouted at him. "She knows a way to beat this thing!"

"I told you guys to stay out of this!" Kenpachi shouted, furiously. Akari stepped up. "Just hit it in the center. Hard." She told him. Kenpachi frowned then turned back towards the shadow hallow. He quickly flash stepped out of the way as the hallow raised one of its legs to strike Kenpachi with it. Then Kenpachi quickly reappeared above the hallow, bringing his sword down directly in the center of the hallow's back. The hallow let out a shriek in pain. A small crack began to form. It quickly raised one of it's arms and knocked Kenpachi off it's back. Kenpachi used his sword to block it's arms and crashed into the ground. Akari frowned.

"Looks like I don't have a choice." She started to walk over to the rampaging hallow. Rukia called out to her to come back.

"What are you-" Yumichika's eyes widen in shock, along with Ikkaku's, Rukia's and Renji's when they heard the words she spoke. Yachiru stood watching her, silently, in awe as well.

"Bankai..." Akari slowly pulled out her zanpakuto.

"Eradicate, Ryujin Hebimaru." A light purple blinding light released from her zanpakuto, engulfing Akari within it. Her sword began to turn vibrantly red, growing and extending longer. A red flower hairpin appeared in her hair, followed by a ripped white cape appearing on her right shoulder with a golden dragon accessory connected to her upper arm. White cloth appeared on Akari's hips, wrapping around her waist. Then three flaming wheels floated near her acting like shields.

Akari quickly vanished before everyone's eyes and quickly flash stepped in front of the shadow hallow, slamming her sword down on it's head. The hallow let out a shriek and Akari fell, slamming her sword into the ground, creating a crack. The ground began to shake, knocking the hallow off balance. Akari quickly jumped into the air, floating above the hallow and began to spin downwards, straight through the shadow hallow's center. The shadow hallow let out one final cry before it dissolved. Akari stood up, placing her sword back into her sheath and turned back to the others, who were staring at her in shock, completely speechless.

"Hey, you were holding back this whole time!?" Kenpachi shouted.

"The last time I used this, it caused a lot of destruction. That I had to clean up for weeks. It was not a fun day." Akari sighed, tired. She wanted to sleep.

"What the hell happened!?" Everyone saw multiple soul reapers, wearing ninja masks quickly reappear, surrounding them. The Squad 2 captain appeared in front of everyone.

"Captain Soi Fon!" Renji spoke. "There was a hallow and-"

"It's gone now." Akari finished.

"A hallow did all this?" Soi Fon narrowed her eyes, eyeing the damage from the ruined houses and the ground.

"Not an ordinary hallow. A shadow hallow, like I told you and the other captains in the meeting. But you guys have your hands full already-" Akari spoke before she was interrupted by Soi Fon.

"This is a serious threat. I'll have a talk with the head captain to see if I can send out patrols." She quickly disappeared along with the rest of her squad force before Akari told talk to her anymore.

"Now about our fight-" Kenpachi spoke before Akari interrupted him.

"You're really still going on about that? Listen, I would love to fight you." She told him then her eyes drifted over to Ikkaku and Yumichika. "Especially, you two. But I'm exhausted. It's been a long day. I'm going to have to take a rain check on our fight for now."

"Fine." Kenpachi huffed.

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