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Sofia unlocked her apartment's front door and walked inside, rubbing her eyes.

She worked as an online newspaper editor, usually from home, but she went in to the office today to pick up a few papers.

After setting down her bag, she sat down at her kitchen table and scrolled through Instagram.

Pedri was the first person to pop up on her feed, and she immediately liked his post about Barça's most recent game, last night against Granada.

They had texted each other almost every night since Sofia left to go back to England, two weeks ago. And tomorrow was the day that Sofia was planning on flying to Barcelona to surprise him.

Sofia shot a quick message to Pablo, just to confirm that Pedri didn't have any plans.


so what time are you guys done with training tmrw??

my flight gets in at one

we'll be done with training at around 12:30

ok thanks

i'll meet you guys at that restaurant

alright i can't wait!!


Sofia landed in Barcelona the following morning. She got a taxi to the same hotel that she and Alyssa had stayed at when they were in the city two weeks earlier, and checked in.

After leaving her suitcase in her room, she called Pablo.


"Hey! Sofia!"

"Pablo! I'm at my hotel right now, I'll head over whenever you guys are out of training.

"We're done right now, I'll drive Pedri to the restaurant."

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know yet, it's near my apartment so I'll just tell him we're going to my place and hope he doesn't notice."

"If you say so... Good luck, thanks so much for helping me out!"

"No problem! See you soon!"

Sofia and Pablo hung up, and Sofia immediately rushed out to get a taxi.

After she arrived at the restaurant, she waited in the lobby for Pablo and Pedri to arrive.

The door opened, and Sofia stepped to the side, her heart pounding.

"Pablo, I don't know what the hell we are doing here, but- Oh my God!"

Pedri rushed over to her and Sofia hugged him tightly.

"I can't believe you're here! Oh my God!"

Sofia and Pedri pulled apart as Sofia grinned.

"Pablo and I planned this a few days ago." she told him. "I know it's only been two weeks, but it feels like it's been forever."

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