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Pedri's POV

Pedri scrolled through Instagram aimlessly as his teammates were playing board games and talking loudly around him. Pablo and Ale had tried to get him to come play Monopoly with them, but he really wasn't in the mood.

It would be a short flight, anyways. Barcelona to Mallorca is only a little over an hour.

About halfway through the flight, a man came over and sat down in the seat next to Pedri.

"Xavi." Pedri didn't look up from his phone.

"Pedro. Put the phone down."

Pedri sighed, setting his phone down on his lap as he turned to face his manager. "Yeah?"

"What's this about?"

"What are you talking about?" he scoffed.

"You, just sitting in a corner, ignoring everyone. That's not like you."

"I just don't feel like playing Monopoly."

"You always play Monopoly. Even Cancelo's playing Monopoly."

"Why are you interrogating me?"

"Because I don't want my star midfielder to be heartbroken for the game tomorrow."

Pedri stiffened. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Pablo and Ale told me about a girl." Xavi mentioned.

"They told you... Don't pretend that you don't read the group chat."

"I don't. I actually don't care about what you all have to say."

"Yeah, okay. You just have your brain wired to only see when we curse so that you can tell us off."

"That's not true." he insisted.

Pedri rolled his eyes. "Why are we even having this conversation?"

"Because I want to help you." Xavi touched Pedri's arm. "Tell me about Sofia."

Pedri rolled his eyes. "She's just a girl who was here visiting... She's going back to England tonight, so it's not like it matters, anyways."

"It clearly matters to you."

"I have more things to worry about."

Xavi sighed and stood up. "I'll talk to you later."

Pedri waited until his manager had gone over to Robert, Sergi, and Marc pulling pulled up WhatsApp on his phone and sending a message to Sofia.


i'm writing this on the plane

He thought for a moment.

 i hope you got my flowers and note

i meant it all

Pedri took a deep breath.

i love you

i don't know, something just clicked

between us

i don't know if you feel the same way

but i love you

Pedri hit his head with the back of his hand.

Why can't I get my thoughts together and stop rambling? He thought, as Sofia texted him back.

hi pedri

i love you too

i don't want to leave, but i have to go back to england

it's my home

Pedri didn't have anything else to say.

i know

hey if you ever play chelsea

i live ten minutes from stamford bridge

Pedri chuckled slightly to himself.

lol ok

i'll text you

seriously tho

we'll meet up soon


merry christmas or happy holidays to anyone celebrating!!

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