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"Wake up, Sofia!" Alyssa sang as she opened up the window curtains.

Sofia groaned, rolling over and burying her face in her pillows. "Alyssa, please."

"Come on! We have to much to do today!"

"What time is it?"

"Well, seven, but-"

"I'm so tired."

"Maybe you wouldn't be, if you weren't up late roaming around the hotel, meeting footballers, and, oh right, reading fanfiction about footballers."

Sofia flinched. "You saw that?"

"You fell asleep with your phone opened to some fanfic site."

Hey, it's not my fault that my twelve year old cousin keeps sending me bad fanfics and I finally decided to read them.

"So? Did you find any good ones?" 

Sofia rolled her eyes. "No, but I found a lot of cliched ones. Like, it's always the same story. Either, the girl is the coach's daughter, the "best friend's sister", or get's "accidentally" added to a group chat. And then there's the ones where the girl absolutely hates anything and everything to do with football until she falls in love with a player."

"Sounds like you." Alyssa joked.

Sofia huffed. "At least I haven't fallen in love with a footballer yet."

"Haha. Okay, seriously, now. Get up."


"What are you thinking about getting?" Alyssa asked Sofia as they sat down at a cafe nearby and picked up the menus.

"Probably just a sandwich. I'm not really that hungry."

"Check out the toast." Alyssa said. "It looks really good."

Sofia glanced down at her phone as a text from her uncle came through.

¡Hola Sofía! ¡Estamos en casa todo el día, así que pásate cuando tengas tiempo libre!

"Uncle Carlos says to stop by whenever." Sofia said after sending Carlos and then her cousin Valeria a quick text. "I just told Valeria we'll be by sometime soon."

"Alright, sounds good."

After they finished eating and had paid, Alyssa called for a taxi, and Sofia gave the driver her aunt and uncle's address.

This driver could speak English, so Alyssa talked the entire drive.

"Here we are." Sofia said, stepping out of the car once they had reached her aunt and uncle's house. "I haven't seen them in like five weeks, not since they came to my mum's surprise birthday party last month."

She and Alyssa walked up to the front door, and Sofia knocked. She could hear the dogs, Dulce and Alonzo, barking wildly inside the house as the door swung open.

The two of them were immediately swarmed by the dogs as Sofia's aunt Camilla stepped outside

"Tía Camilla!" Sofia exclaimed, giving her aunt a hug.

"Sofia! How are you?" Camilla asked in English.

"Wonderful, thank you." Sofia responded as Valeria stepped outside.

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