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hey it's pedri

or pedro

whatever you want to call me

hi pedri

it's sofia

yeah ik

so you're from england right

yeah ig


"This is so dry." Alyssa commented, reading over Sofia's texts with Pedri. "What do you mean, 'yeah, I guess'?"

Sofia shrugged. "I'm not good at texting."

Alyssa put Sofia's phone down. "Sof. A footballer asked for your phone number and then following you on Instagram. Get a grip."

"Do you remember Harry Anders?" Sofia asked.

"Your 'boyfriend' from when we were thirteen? Yeah, I remember him."

"We broke up because he claimed that I 'didn't communicate well'."

"You guys were thirteen."

Sofia rolled her eyes.

"Do you have a jersey?" Alyssa asked, reading something on her phone. "Because I need your name and number."

Sofia choked. "What?"

"It's from a list of pick-up lines for footballers." Alyssa told her. "Are you Neymar? Because I'm falling for you."

"No. Shut up."

"Are you David Beckham? Because I'd bend for you."

"These are awful."

"I don't play football, but you're my goal."

"You're hotter than the World Cup in Qatar."

"Eh, that one wasn't bad."

"Are you Luis Suárez? Because-"

"Okay, I'm done."

"I have more."

"No. Please. No more."

Alyssa eventually relented, and she turned on the TV while Sofia got another text from Pedri.

you're still going to be here next week right?

or like in three days ig

yeah why?

we have a ucl game

against antwerp

a belgium team

i was wondering if you wanted to come

oh yeah for sure!!

ok cool

i'm going to go grab lunch with a few friends later

if you want to join us

and your friend

i can text you the address

ok that sounds like fun!!


"Sofia!" Pedri grinned as Alyssa and I walked through the front door of the small cafe he had texted me the address of. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Hi!" Sofia greeted him,  rolling her eyes slightly at how cheerful she sounded.

"Alyssa, right?" he asked, and she nodded. "Okay, cool. We're sitting in the back, by the way, let me show you guys over."

A group of people were sitting down at a table in the back of the cafe, several of whom Sofia recognised as Barça players.

"Sofia, you already know Pablo." he pointed to his teammate, who waved. "This is Frenkie-" he gestured to a blonde man. "Ferran and his girlfriend, Sira; Fermín; and Ale. Guys, this is Sofia and Alyssa."

"Hey!" Frenkie de Jong, the Dutch player, reached out to shake Sofia and Alyssa's hands in a friendly way. "Pedri mentioned that you lads are from London, right?"

"Yep." Sofia replied. "My dad is Spanish, though. Born and raised here."

"You coming to the game?" Sira asked.

"Antwerp? Yeah."

Sofia and Alyssa spent about an hour and a half at the cafe, and then Pedri made a group chat with all of them.

"I'll text you later about maybe meeting up before the UCL game." Pedri told me as Sofia as she got up to go pay.

"Alright, sounds great!" Sofia said.


kinda a short chapter but i'll hopefully have another one out soon.

also any percy jackson fans?? the first two episodes came out a day early so i'm currently watching them as i'm writing this lol

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