He looked at me and I got so lost in his eyes. My heart was jumping back and forth and I forgot about my mom, the doctor's appointment and my mind.

"Are you...are you okay?" he asked me and I nodded " Yes.... I'm fine..."

"Okay!" he nodded back.

"The meeting room is right next to my father's office. That's where I work. The walls are made of glass ... so you can see her." My heart was still racing .

He bit his lower lip slightly and looked at his sister.

"If you move out of this office, I'll make you do all the dirty work in the restaurant. That means washing plates, cleaning the toilet and sorting the garbage!"

"Agreed!" Bora nodded excitedly and turned to me with a smile.

"Okay!" he replied...

He turned around and was about to leave when I grabbed his arm...

"Wait!...." gosh my heart..." I ..wanted to apologize to you..."

Jungkook looked at me and shook his head...." Next time, swim to the top!"

I smiled sheepishly again..." I can't swim!"

"Then don't jump anymore! Promise?"

"I promise!" I said quietly and he smiled.

Jungkook went into the building and I looked after him.

"Wow, Kim Y/n is taking me to her office!" said Bora.

"And my brother is really into you!"

"What?" I looked at her.

"Oh forget it!" she waved it off with a grin.

Was it a good idea to leave Bora with her? What if this little chatterbox can't keep her mouth shut?

Jungkook regretted his decision to leave his sister with Y/N.

The new team gathered and Jungkook took his seat so that he could look straight at Bora.

It didn't take long for him to see Y/N walking into the opposite office with his little sister.

The walls were made of glass and that calmed him down a little.

They both seemed to be talking, smiling here and there, and Bora sat down on the small white couch that was in the office.

"Gentleman!" Y/n's father came into the meeting room and behind him Yu Junseo, her fiancé, and all the butterflies fluttering around in his body were gone.

A reminder that he would never have a chance with her.

Junseo sat down opposite Jungkook.

He looked really good. Understandable that Y/n is engaged to him.

"Let's get straight to the point. " Mr. Kim started the meeting. " I'm pleased to welcome you all to our team. A new season is beginning and your training will start soon."

Jungkook tried to concentrate on the meeting but his eyes and thoughts kept wandering to the office opposite.

Her long dark hair that hung over her shoulders, making her face look narrower, her movements, how she let her tongue run over her beautiful lips every now and then.

He often imagined what it would be like to kiss her. Surely her lips would be soft...

He could hear his heart beating so loudly.

And then it happened... for a second she lifted her head and their eyes met.

Jungkook jerked his head towards her father. Acted as if nothing had happened. Acted as if he didn't watched her...
Still noticed her gaze.

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