Obviously, being spontaneous like this wasn't for me. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to step out of my comfort zone, I should've known that it would only lead to disaster.

Sitting on Andrew's couch, I thought through what I was going to say to him. My left knee rapidly bounced up and down in anxiety, my eyes fixated on the front door, waiting for it to finally burst open. I was impatient and nervous, my jaw tight and my throat dry, afraid of my cousin's reaction.

Was he going to be mad at me? For going after one of his best friends? For having a crush on the long-term girlfriend of another one of his best friends?

Jesus, I swear this shit sounds like the worst melodrama ever.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door opening, making me sit up straighter as if I was caught doing something wrong.

"Hey, man." Andrew sent me one of his signature grins, kicking off his shoes carelessly.

"Hi." I mumbled back. It took me a great deal of effort to stop my voice from wavering. "How was the bar?"

Yesterday, as well as tonight, I had skipped out on the bar scene. I didn't really feel like I could walk into Troubadour as if everything was okay. I could barely look April in the eye in the last few days, I couldn't even imagine having to sit with her for hours while drinking our body weight in beer.

"It was good." He grinned again. "You should've been there. The guys are missing you."

"They do, huh?"

"Mhm. April was asking about you."

My heart skipped a beat at that. I would've loved to ask for details, like what her exact question was or what facial expression she was wearing while asking it, but I shut my mouth. It was probably better not to know anyway, I'd be only disappointed, I guess. I knew the only thing she felt for me was pity, no matter how much I wanted it to be more than that.

So I didn't say anything, I watched in silence as Andrew moved around the living room for a bit, gathering some of his things before he headed for the stairs, probably ready to put an end to this night. It was late, and I could tell he was a bit tipsy, another wild day behind him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, kid." He waved at me with a lazy grin, turned around and was just about to climb up the stairs when my small, almost panicky voice came out and stopped him.


Hearing me, he swiftly turned around, a look of fatigue on his face and for a second, I once again contemplated not saying anything. He didn't seem like he was ready to listen to my drama, but I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it inside any longer.

I had to tell him, it was eating me alive.

"What's up?" He asked tiredly.

"I-I need to– uh... Can you sit down?" I stammered, already sweating. "I need to talk to you."

Andrew furrowed his eyebrows at that, clearly confused. He watched me carefully, but didn't say a word as he walked back into the room and slowly took a seat in one of the armchairs across from me. He seemed calm, but also wary, his eyes darting over my features as if he was trying to figure me out.

"Everything okay, kid?" He then questioned after a long moment of silence.

I gulped, not knowing what to say. Everything was not okay, of course. In the span of the last two weeks, my whole world turned upside down and the reason behind it was one girl. A girl that I wasn't supposed to have any sorts of feelings for and yet, within days she made me a mess. And now I had to come clean about it to my cousin.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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