¥}A Piece Found{¥

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Sorry if in this chapter it feels like I rushed things I just wanted this to happen since the events really excited me ٩( *˙0˙*)۶
"Bzzzzzz bzzzzz" my phone annoyingly buzzed on the right side of my bed. I rolled over effortlessly to that side and looked at what business had to be taken care of this time.

It was a phone call from my manager, Nalli.

"Hello?" I groaned into the phone.
"Umm are you still sleeping?"

"Yes , yes I am " i said sarcastically

"Well you should think of getting up. The studio called and they want to talk about the productions of your songs". After agreeing to meet her there I placed the phone back onto the night stand.

I got up from my little paradise called my bed , and went to get ready.

"Ah , good morning" Ukyo seemed to be the first awake and ready for the day ,besides me.

I gave a small wave and opened the fridge to grab an orange. "I'm heading to my studio. I'll be gone for a couple of hours. Have a nice day !" I called out before running towards the elevator.

A car was already parked out front with a man in a suit holding the back door open.

~The ride to the studio~
By now we were only 15 minuets from the studio. The car vibrated as it rode over the over water bridge. I looked out the window and toward the water. My stomach churned just looking at it.

It's not that I don't like the water or heights , it's just what could happen while your up here. I turned my attention back to the front and waited for the ride to end.
"So what do you say ?" I was just given an opportunity to preform at the Tokyo Dome. It's a very big stadium that they use for concerts and sports.

Nalli stood behind me with her thumbs up in agreement. I turned back to the man with a smile. " sure we'll take it , this could be a great opportunity!"

He got up and led me to his office door and shook my hand then Nalli's . "We will send you more details when they are arranged"

"Sooo . Do you think you can handle that big of a crowd ?" Nalli asked while she took a sip of her coffee. After we left she decided to treat me to a coffee break. " Mmm , I guess. It will be bigger than what we have seen , but I think I can handle it."

I tapped my fingers against the cold cup that I had in my hands and brought it to my lips. The taste of Earl Grey ice tea smoothed my senses and sent a sweet flavor to my tongue. "Ok enough work talk. How have you been with all your new brothers , hmmmm ?"

Nalli smirked at her question. Her chin was placed on her entwined fingers waiting for an answer. "They're nice. For now I'm a bit closer to the smaller one , Wataru."

She let out a sigh and we continued our small conversation.

~*Yusuke's P.O.V*~
'Geez I gotta start brining up my grades'. I sighed and rubbed the back of my head trying to relieve the headache I got from the amount of homework I have to do.

School isn't the only thing that's got me stressing out , trying to ask that girl that's in my class out has got my train of thought somewhere else.

"Where the hell did she go !!"
"I don't know I saw her run and then disappear"

Two tall men ran down the  side walk shouting and pushing people aside. Once they closed in on me they shoved me aside too. I stumbled back and fell into an ally.

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