Spending time with the little one

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By the time I walked back into the house arguments were thrown at one of the brothers to the other. "You're just shy because she's your favorite idol you idiot!" Yuusuke yelled .

"Well why is she here that's all I want to know?!"
'That voice .... was it the guy from outside?' I walked into the sitting room where everyone still sat but now with a tray of chocolate in the middle of the coffee table.

All eyes went onto me which caused me to almost back out of the room. Yuusuke was standing up with his hands into fist and so did the other man. "Ah , Yui i would like to introduce the second youngest brother to the family ,Fuuto" Ukyo explained to me.

The two brothers put down their fist. Yuusuke crossed his arms over his chest and Fuuto looked away with a face that looked like he didn't care. l walked up to Fuuto and smiled.

"Hello I'm Yuina but you can just call me Yui" I introduced a bit quietly.

"I already know who you are, you're the famous singer that goes all around the world, even America." he said , a little to harsh for my liking.

"I'm very sorry my ,little flower. Futto here just has a hard time showing what he's really feeling to other people. Unlike me , I think you're adorable" Kaname whispered while hugging me from behind and placing his head on my shoulder.

Compared to him I was small so he had to bend a bit. My face automatically turned into a red blushing mess as I stiffened at his actions.

I then heard a loud metallic whack and heard a groan coming from the monk. "Don't act that way again you idiot.And don't make me use this again. Your causing it have dents with that hard head of yours!" Ukyo Scolded while cleaning off his cooking pan.

Futto let out a growl toward Kaname and turned his back. "Im heading to my room so don't bother me" .And with that he went up to his room muttering to himself.

"Onee-chan come and see my room! Please?" Wataru pleaded and tugged on my purple sleeve jacket. I nodded and followed him after saying bye to the rest of the family.

When we walked into his room what caught my eye first was all the stuffed animals in many places of the room. The walls were painted a very light salmon pink and some yellow. In my opinion this was one of the cutest rooms I've seen.

"Awww it's so cute. Just like you." I smiled down at him and he gave his signature smile. He ran over to his twin sized bed and jumped on it , grabbing something and running back.

"This is my favorite stuffed animal. Masaomi gave it to me." He said as he held it up to show me.

Time passed as me and Wataru hung out in his room playing with his toys and such.

"Hey onee-chan you want to see a video of Futto while he was on one of his tours?"

I nodded once again in reply and he stood up to put the CD in. He pushed play and music immediately began to play. The tv screen showed a sea of cheering fans somewhat similar to the ones I see. On the stage I could see Fuuto dancing and singing at the same time.

I began humming softly to the words coming out of the speakers.

The song was interrupted by none other than Futto himself. "Hey Wataru you left your chocolates on the table so -- HEY WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THAT?!" He began to yell.

I turned to look at him. "You sing really well Futto ,no wonder your fans love this" I praised as I went back to the song.

His face blushed a bit but then went and turned off the tv. "Hey ?!" Me and Wataru exclaimed at the same time while looking at him.

"No more it's getting old"

"Don't worry Onee-chan I know what we can do for fun! We can play my video games!"

He started up his tv again and turned on his ps3 , putting on a fighting game that wasn't to harsh for his innocent mind.

Things got really competitive between me and him . We made a deal that whoever wins the game get to eat all the chocolate. Wataru sat with his gaming face on cross-legged on a cushion while I sat on my stomach with my legs in the air pushing random buttons hoping I win.

Futto snickered and sat down on the bed watching our game.

Few rounds later I finally won and Wataru thew his controller in the air and fell backwards.
"Ahh you win onee-chan!" He yelled in defeat with a pout.

I did a inner victory dance and grabbed the plate of sweets. I felt bad just eating it in front of his face so I took half and gave them to him.

Instantly his face lit up as he popped one into his mouth and managed a thank you without choking.
I laughed , "You're welcome".

Hello I just wanted to say thank you to all the readers who followed me and voted for my story you don't know how happy that made me. Like seriously irl I was bouncing around smiling. I know I'm really weird.

Anyway thanks again and I will try to post so. Summers almost here so more writing Yay ! \(^•^)/

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