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God, I'm so drunk. Wonwoo thought to himself, staring at Seokmin and Soonyoung playing twister on the floor. Honestly, they were doing pretty well, but to Wonwoo's drunk mind, it looked like a less messed up version of the human centipede. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jihoon and Seungkwan were crowded around the dining room table playing some game that Wonwoo was sure didn't actually exist and was just an evil plan by Joshua and Jeonghan to get everyone absolutely wasted. (It actually worked). Vernon and Chan remained firmly by the speaker, picking whatever song came to mind and coming up with a dance for it, even in their drunken state.

Wonwoo squinted, looking for Junhui but he couldn't find him, instead his eyes landed on Mingyu picking up everyone's trash. He trailed around the dining room table, picking up the millions of disposable shot glasses the group had used, tossing them into the black garbage bag he was holding. Finally, he made his way into the kitchen and tied the bag closed. Wonwoo followed him into kitchen, coming up behind him as he washed his hand.

"Min!" He said excitedly and threw his arms around him, back hugging the younger one. Mingyu jumped from the sudden touch, turning around instantly.

"Fu- Won you scared me!" Mingyu almost yelled in fear.

"Mmm..." Wonwoo drooled a bit, nuzzling his head into Mingyu's chest. "Woah your chest is hard... like a rock!" Wonwoo exclaimed.

"Thanks? What are you doing in here anyway? Go out and enjoy the party" Mingyu responded.

"I can't... find... Junnie" Wonwoo said to him.

"I saw him on the balcony, he's talking to Hao" Mingyu told Wonwoo drawing circles on his back with his fingers.

"Mm.. Minghao? Why?" Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu with his cat eyes but Mingyu swore they turned into doe eyes.

"I don't know, ask him" Mingyu responded, placing his hands on Wonwoo's waist. "You've gotten smaller" Mingyu frowned.

"Smaller than all those girls and guys you did when I was gone" Wonwoo snapped suddenly, but covered his mouth when he realised what he said . "Minnnnnnnn..." Wonwoo dragged out his words. "I didn't mean it" Mingyu pushed Wonwoo off of him and walked out of the kitchen. "Mingyu!" Wonwoo ran after him, but instead Mingyu just pointed towards the living room.

"Your boyfriend is on the balcony over there." Mingyu replied coldly. Wonwoo stared at Mingyu as he walked away to join the group on the dining table.

—— What were Junhui and Minghao talking about you may be asking? Well here's a little snippet and the rest is up ——
—— to your imagination ;) ——

"Hao" Junhui reached for his hand, gently caressing it. "Let's start over, try again"

"Junhui I'm tired of being your secret! I can't do this a second time. It's been 5 years and I haven't healed, don't hurt me again" Minghao yelled at him, angrily looking away.

"HaoHao I promise this time is different. I've changed, you've changed. And life has brought me back to you, were meant to be!" Junhui exclaimed. "Listen, we only have to be secret for a little bit, if we can do this together, I'll end things with him"


"Baby trust me" Jun uttered, sending chills down Minghao's spine.



Wonwoo practically ripped open the balcony door, stumbling outside.

"Junnie baby where have you been" He plopped down onto his lap.

"I've just been out here" Junhui responded sending a side glance to Minghao who looked uncomfortable. "What have you been doing?"

"Just talking to Mingyu, but I think I made him mad" Wonwoo pouted, resting his head on Junhui's shoulder.

"Well that's no good is it?" Junhui said tapping his foot.

"You know how Mingyu is, always taking things to heart" Minghao added and Junhui smiled at him.

"I think I would know, he was my boyfriend" Wonwoo responded angrily.

"Babe what's wrong?" Junhui asked and Minghao almost winced at pet name. Wonwoo instantly got up and began to walk inside.

"I'm going to sleep!" Wonwoo huffed, storming inside. "Mingyu!" Wonwoo yelled across the room, but no one spared a glance except for Mingyu. "Make me my night night drink!" He cried, walking over to his bedroom.

Night night drink? Mingyu thought to himself. Wait a second! Wonwoo always used to drink warm milk and honey before bedtime during their sleepovers when they were younger. Mingyu walked over to the kitchen, pouring milk into a glass and putting it into the microwave for 1 minute, just how Wonwoo likes it.

Beep, beep, beep.

Mingyu opened the door to the microwave and took the glass out. He poured a spoon of honey into the glass and mixed it, holding the sides of the cup to test the warmth. Once he felt it was mixed in properly, Mingyu picked up the cup and walked into Wonwoo and Junhui's bedroom where Wonwoo was tucked under the covers, eyes barely open. He sat down next to him on the bed.

"Won..." Mingyu brushed Wonwoo's bangs away from his eyes. "I got your drink" He placed it on Wonwoo's beside table, next to a framed photo of Junhui and Wonwoo graduating college.

"Mm thank you Mingyu" Wonwoo mumbled. "I'll just close my eyes now" Mingyu ruffled Wonwoo's hair a couple times threading his hands through it to help him fall asleep. Wonwoo let out a light snore, indicating he was asleep. Mingyu stared at him for a while, taking in Wonwoo's beauty before he eventually bent down and placed a kiss on Wonwoo's forehead.

"Goodnight love" Mingyu said and then he left to rejoin the party.

Okay for Christmas you guys get some fluffy meanie moments

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