Chapter 15: 'Anxiety buddies'

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Warnings: mayor drama, teasing,

Chris seems to notice her as he does a speed walk towards her.

"Who's that?" I ask, my eyes pointing at Chris talking to her.

"I don't know if I should tell you this but it's his ex-girlfriend, Lauren." Scarlett informs me.

"She's pretty. Tell me, what do you know about her?"

"Well, he's been in a relationship with her for two years. They were pretty serious, we all thought she was the one for him but I guess it ended badly." Lizzie answers.

"You don't know how it ended?" I ask.

"Not exactly. He doesn't want to talk about it, ever." Scarlett asks.

"Well thanks. I guess I'm going over." They stop themselves from saying anything.

"Hey." I speak before standing on my tippy toes to give Chris a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey." He answers shortly. "So, you're the famous y/n?" Lauren asks me when I turn to her.

"I guess that's me. Who are you?" I ask as if I don't know the answer yet.

"I'm Lauren, an old.. friend of Chris'." She introduces herself. We briefly shake hands.

"Lauren, excuse us for a moment please." Chris says. She shortly nods before walking off.

"What are you doing?" Chris asks as he turns to me. "What do you mean what am I doing? I'm just getting to know someone."

"Why her?" He has an irritated tone in his voice.

"She seemed.. interesting." I answer. "Just don't talk to her okay?"

"Why not? She seems nice." I argue. "Just don't, y/n. I'm asking you, as a friend, to please stay away from her."

"If it matters to you so much, I will." I assure him when I see the upset look on his face.

"Okay." He still doesn't seem pleased with the results as he walks away. I stand here while a breeze blows my hair out of my face.

Lauren walks up to me. I don't want to say anything since Chris told me not to talk to her but she starts talking to me.

"Hey, are you okay? You look.. sad?" It's more of a question rather than an observation.

"I'm fine." I answer her briefly. "This thing has quite a turn-out. I haven't met half of these people yet. Luckily I know at least a few of them."

I don't want to engage in a conversation but she's being nice and I don't want to seem rude.

"Who do you know?" I ask, not actually curious though.

"RDJ, sorry, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Susan Downey and a few others. And you, now." I laugh softly.

"How'd you meet them?" I ask, genuinely curious about the answer.

"I don't know if you know this but I was in a relationship with Chris, that's how I met all of them." She explains.

"Lucky you." I mumble. She doesn't respond to it.

"I'm going for a refill." She says when she holds up her empty glass.

"Sure, I'll see you around." She walks off and when I turn around to look for Scarlett and Elizabeth I see Chris, looking at me from a distance.

I look at him, disappointed in myself when I see the look he has on his face. I had just one job.

Fell In Love With A Star | Chris Evansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें