Chapter 10: 'Now why don't I help you relax a little bit?'

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Warnings: panic attack, smut, angst, a somewhat emotional rollercoaster

The next morning I wake up, then remembering what happened to Ruby yesterday and rushing downstairs to make sure she's alright.

She's laying in her bench on her favorite bed. I grab the medicine I have to give her daily now. I decide to put it in her morning food so she eats it up.

I open the bench but she doesn't get up to follow me like she normally does.

I prepare her food and she walks into the kitchen, her head bend down. I put the food bowl down and she sniffs at it before starting to eat.

It breaks my heart to see her like this. I try to keep in mind that in a week she'll be good as new again so that helps me get trough this.

I call Chris to just hear his voice because we haven't texted since yesterday morning.

''Chris, hi. How are you?'' My voice cracks a little.

''Y/n, hey. Are you alright? you sound sad.'' I have to hold in a cry. ''Uhm yeah, I'm fine. What are you doing today?''

''I was thinking maybe seeing you? We haven't texted or called since yesterday morning. Did something happen?'' I breathe in and out to calm myself down before replying.

''Something happened, yeah.. could you maybe come over?'' A tear is now rolling down my cheek, I wipe it away with my hand.

''Ofcourse, love. I'll be with you in 10 minutes, hold on okay?''

''Okay.'' He then hangs up the phone. I sit down on the couch trying not to cry because I feel like I'm being dramatic if I'll start crying.

After what feels like eternity because I've only been staring at the wall to avoid crying, the doorbell rings.

I walk up to the door and when I see Chris I immediately fall into his arms and start crying.

''Wow oh, it's okay.'' He strokes my hair and holds me while I cry. He keeps comforting me and when I finally calmed down a little bit we move to the couch so I can tell him what happened.

''On the phone you said everything was okay, what happened?'' He asks.

''I lied on the phone, I'm so sorry Chris, I just didn't want to concern nor bother you and hear your voice at the same time.'' I admit.

''But you can always tell me when something is wrong, that comes with the package of dating me.'' He assures me.

He pulls me onto his lap and cups my face in his hands.

''I just panicked I guess.'' I tell him. ''But what happened?'' I avoid his gaze.

''Yesterday, when I was going to walk Ruby I couldn't find her so I looked all around the apartment. Then I found her in the backyard, just laying there, whining like she was dying. I called the animal ambulance who then told me to go to the vet. I picked her up and got blocked by paparazzi on the way to the car. When I finally got to vet, there was this lady at the front desk who wouldn't help me and in the end it turned out to be an internal infection which they removed but now she's weakly for about a week and she needs medicine. And on the side is the fact I still only have the first part of the script for our movie.'' I explain, exhaling loudly when I'm done because this was a huge stress rant.

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