Hercules Personality and In Ring ability: Hercules is a loyal individual to the people that are considered either to be his friends and allies, he doesn't like to be disrespected by others who thinks they are his peers, and he doesn't like guys like Miz and any other cowards that use cheap tactics, when he speaks on his promos, he commands the respect of the audience even those in the locker room, and while his mic skills needs work, it's a proven fact that he has better charisma than most of the locker room, and he's in ring skills are not to be scoffed about and if people called out him being fake or can't wrestle, he aims to prove a point that he fights better than anyone he steps in the ring and his strength picks up anyone he comes across even giants couldn't believe the strength he possessed.

Hercules friends and allies: Chase, when Hercules first arrived at the performance center Chase was the first guy that wanted to hangout with him, Hercules found it amusing and can have casual friendly conversations with Chase and when Chase gets him to do stuff that he knows that they weren't supposed to, Hercules found himself having fun and when Paragon was bullied Chase in the ring it angered him and fiercely defended Chase, and after they were both sent to NXT, Hercules and Chase had their backs side by side working together, even though Hercules gets a headache from the vibes Chase shows, Hercules knew that Chase would have his back and he would have his.

Hector Flores, he was one the easiest people that Hercules can have a conversation aside from Chase, and when he learned of the secret that Hector kept to himself, Hercules was adamant to help Hectors redemption by exposing El Mago for who he really is and after beating him and his Jr version, he and Hector became friends and says to Hercules if he needs anything, he will be there to bail him out of any trouble.

The Shield, when Hercules learns the disgusted truth of the company, he had joined Roman, Dean and Seth as the four members of the Shield and they have brought the Justice to all those that deserved it, even some of the Legendary superstars, and coming to a conclusion that the Authority is not who they claim to be, Hercules and his brothers in arms have rebelled against the Authority and the Evolution for a time before Seth had betrayed them for glory.

Drew McIntyre, When Hercules had a dangerous rivalry with Drew because they both wanted to prove who is the strongest superstars in ANY show of WWE, they had a series of one on one matches and the match in Hell in a Cell, they brought out the best in one another and they brought out the worst in one another, defeats and wins, they both got until finally, Hercules in a bloody mess, stands victorious over Drew McIntyre and when they meet in the same ring in front of the whole world, Drew has displayed that even if he lost he was able to see that Hercules is the same as him, and Hercules has displayed that he feels the same and gives out a firm handshake in respect to one another as they became stand-fast friends.

Hercules Rivals and Worst Enemies: Paragon, the guy was given out vibes of arrogance and superiority over everyone even at the performance center which Hercules barely tolerated most of the time, and when Paragon was transferred to smackdown, he has started to get into having cheated victories over several good people who were superstars and when Hercules had grabbed to be world champion, Paragon made it his mission to rid Hercules out of WWE, as he tried multiple times Hercules has always beaten him at his game and to the day, Hercules still deals with Paragon.

Seth Rollins, after the fall of the Shield, Hercules was the first person to hunt down Seth for his betrayal and even with Dean and Roman's help, Seth always hides behind the Authority and when he finally gets his hands on him it's at the Fight pit match and it was brutal for both superstars but it didn't matter to Hercules and just when he got the justice, Bray Wayytt had screwed him over and allowed Seth to pick up the victory, and to this day, Hercules and Seth Rollins are mortal enemies.

Brock Lesnar, the Beast Incarnate, Hercules had never hated anyone in his whole life not even Seth Rollins, but Brock Lesnar, Hercules hates the most, it was one of the last matches of RAW, Chase was in a one on one match against Bobby Roode, but out of nowhere Brock had interfered the match and destroyed the two superstars, he was pissed when he lost the title to Seth Rollins in Wrestlemania, and Brock was destroying everything around the ring and when Chase, god bless his heart, tried to stop him, but Brock just shrugged him off and then he F5 Chase on a exposed wooden floored and Chase was hurt and Brock was about to hurt him some more if it weren't for Hercules spearing him through the barricades, and Hercules quickly got up to check him up, and Chase was a mess and seeing Chase like this, Hercules stared holes at Brock Lesnar as he was escorted out of the ring, Hercules made a vow, to get justice for his friend by making the Beast Incarnate pay and it was after that, Brock Lesnar and Hercules became worst enemies.

Hercules Finshers: Jack Hammer.


Superman Punch.


Multiple Powerbombs.

Military Press Powerslam.

Hercules Signatures: Guillotine Choke.



Release Tiger Bomb.

Attitude Adjustment.

Alternating Forearms.

Hercules Comeback: Fighting Spirit.

Hercules Mentor: Triple H, since the Shield burst and made history in WWE, they grabbed many attention on them, even the McMahon family in fact, most of them had already taken their own favorites, Stephanie had favored Seth Rollins, Shane had favored Dean Ambrose, even Vince the chairman of WWE, has favored Roman Reigns the most. And Triple H, who favored Hercules long before he came to WWE and Hercules didn't mind of it since he greatly respect everything Triple H does in the company, although Triple H doesn't give advice to Hercules often but if it happens it's only because Hercules is unsure of what to do in his role as a superstar or as a leader is supposed to do, which made Triple H all but certain of Hercules as the real next face of the company, and they been working side by side since then.

Hercules Love interest: Liv Morgan, Hercules didn't think he would even think about having feelings with anyone and Liv who is trying to not look at his direction, can see very well that Liv Morgan would be the next Women's world champion, and he's been watching her work, he sees her passion, he sees her love for this business, and most importantly he sees how beautiful she is in the ring, and out of the ring, he knows that Liv may very be having feelings for him, the question is, should he be acknowledged the feelings for her?

Teagan Nox, Hercules was fascinated by her in ring skills, and her charisma and it was this features of this amazing woman, it's what drawn Hercules to her, when he was in NXT, he had the honor and pleasure to tag team with her when she was facing some issues with some of her former friends and she was grateful for Hercules assistants and after which, Hercules was in the gym working out and he can almost sense Teagan Nox watching him and noticed her blushing in the corner, and it was after Teagan was betrayed by Kai, Hercules personally escort her to the hospital and had to check on her when she is resting and was then and there, he feels feelings towards Teagan Nox, and he hopes that she may feel the same way about him.

Hercules Biggest Inspiration superstar: Goldberg.

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