
44 5 1

Park Nari

It was dead silence as we eat his stew. As soon as the spoonful of stew reach my tongue, the flavorful taste made me realize how hungry I was.  I kept my head low while enjoying the soup in silence.

None of us want to break the silence, until we finish the stew.

"I-I wash the dishes." I utterly volunteer and slowly look at his cold stare unto me.

"You barely move because of your injuries," he said nonchalantly. "Don't bother. I'll have someone wash them."

"No. Its okay. You cleaned my wounds. Its the least I could do." I insist.

I owe him a lot that now he took care of me. It may not be much, still a little help would do. My body is on fire, but I can somehow bare with it.

"Whatever. Just don't be clumsy." 

With that, I started to gather the used utensils and bowls. Somehow painful in my libs, I shrug it off and grab them all together going to sink.

As I was done with them, I went back to the table where Soonyoung is waiting with an tablet in front of him. I wince a bit as I took a seat next to him.

"Alright, since your done. Let's talk something serious now." He said with his usual cold tone.

Soonyoung then turn his tablet to me, where I saw my step brother— Lee Seohyuk's photo with some information beside it that made me curious.

"Do you know who's he right?" Soonyoung ask.

I nodded my slowly. Of I know him. He's one of thos who beat the out of me.

"He's dead now."

My eyes widen and went directly to stare his cood gaze. "What? H-How come?

Has karma finally heard me?

I can feel my heart skip joyfully. Finally he gets what he deserve. That bastard is now gone. One of my abusers are gone. If I can celebrate it, I would with a cake and expensive champagne.

"You seem not bothered by it," Soonyoung spoke snapping me back to harsh reality. "You're even seem glad that his gone."

Is it fine to say I'm glad that his gone? He's my step brother but we've never treated each other as siblings. Seohyuk despise me and my mom. He hates my whole existence even I didn't do anything wrong. He's the reason why mom is dead.

I let out a shaky sigh. "I-I am glad. Finally that bastard is gone. He deserves it." I said with gladness and my lips curve into small smiles.

"But how did he d-died?" I asked out of curiosity. Seohyuk is hard to tame. His father even had a hard time to keeping him sane and have good image from the public. He has a lot of enemies and I won't wonder if he died because of them.

"I killed him. I strangled him to death." He blankly stated causing chills to my spines up to my nape.

I batted my eyelids a couple of times.

He can kill?

I know Soonyoung is cold and rude, but his face doesn't look he could kill one. His gazed maybe cold as iced, but his looks especially the plump cheeks doesn't look like he could kill.

Immediately, I felt uncomfortable and nervous. My heart beats different now due to anxiousness. A sudden thought come to my mind as I stare at his eyes. Looks can be deceiving.

Will he kill me next? Would I be killed just like Seohyuk?

"W-Why did you kill him? A-Am I next?" I stuttered.

He then shook his head that made me calm and not to panic anymore.

"I was paid to killed him."

"But I encountered you at the basement almost lifeless. You have bruises a lot in your face and body. I don't have do anything with you, however you look pitty laying on the cold hard ground. That's why your here." Soonyoung explains.

So he save me from them...

I don't know why he took me, but I'm thankful for Soonyoung now. I can't help to be emotional now. Years staying at that mansion, I'm finally free from them. I tried almost everything to get away from them, but they manage to put me back in that damn mansion— more likely a hell hole.

A sudden tear slipped in my eye, that I quickly wipe it with my hand and smiled instead.

"Thank you so much," I smiled but my tears keeps slipping out on my eyes which I quickly wipe it using the back of my hand. "You just save me in that hell hole. You don't know how I'm happy right now thanks to you."

"I-I don't know how to repay you but through cash. Once I gained strength, I'll repay you." I sincerely said.

In that moment, even just a glimpse, I saw his eyes soften but quickly went to his usual cold stares.

"You don't have to. Just regain strength and your free to go."

Suddenly, a deep voice interrupts our conversation. A slightly tanned guy, taller than Soonyoung and has great physic. He was wearing white buttoned up shirt and black slacks and carryies a black duffle bag. Beside him was a shorter guy, pale skin and also has a slanted eyes.

"Oh she's awake." The taller man said directly to me.

"Good, cause we need to talk about her." The shorter guy said with a stern tone but not as stern as Soonyoung.

"What about her?" Soonyoung asked.

"The death of the governor's son... They don't believe it was suicide." The shorter guy replied, then stared at me with much authority that made me feel smaller.

"She's now a suspected murderer."


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