Chapter Two

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The library was an hour from closing, so Astrid had to be quick, so she left the little red wagon and big black dog outside under the awning, and entered. It was warm in the library, stuffy, and predictably, smelling of old, stiff-paged, books. The library was the only thing in town that hadn't been renovated within the past forty-years, and this was evident by the way the wallpaper was turning yellow and chipping of the splintering wooden panels. Astrid imagined the place to be much creepier at night.

She stepped up to the woman at the front desk. She was a plump, middle-aged woman who was busy typing away on an old Macintosh computer, and either hadn't noticed Astrid or just hadn't bothered to acknowledge her. Astrid stood there for a moment, dripping on the fraying carpet before clearing her throat to gain the librarian's attention. The woman's eyes flickered up at her, and then flicked back down briefly before she snapped her head up. "You're Donovan's girl, aren't you?"

Astrid was taken back by the sudden allegation. "Yes ma'am." She muttered.

"You live out there by the old light house, don't you?"

It was a small town, and despite not knowing everyone personally, addresses were typically the only thing know to everyone. But the way the librarian narrowed her eyes at Astrid made her feel she had to reaffirm it. "Yes ma'am." She muttered again.

"Hmm." The librarian hummed, but continue on to say, "How can I help you?"

"I need books on mermaids." Astrid blurted, then added, "It's for a project."

"Check the children's section." The librarian- Lucy, now that Astrid had noticed her name tag- pointed to the direction of a section off corner with colorful chairs and a puzzle-patterned carpet.

"No," Astrid shook her head, "I need real information, not children's stories."

Lucy laughed. "Young lady, mermaids are not real."

Then please explain why I have one in my bathtub. Astrid clenched her teeth. "I need a book about the folklores on mermaids."

Lucy sighed, typed something in on her computer, and then waddled off towards the back of the library, beckoning Astrid with a finger. "I can't guarantee we have what it is you're looking for, but you can start with the Mythology section."

"Thank you." Astrid muttered, although she only said it to end their conversation.

"The place closes in an hour, so have your books ready by then." Lucy called as she waddled back to the front desk.

Astrid fingered past Greek Myths and Monsters and several editions and volumes of Lycanthropes and pulled from the shelf Mermaids, Nymphs, and Sirens and What They Have in Common. She sat it on the floor beside her, surprised at how clean the pages were. She then pulled Merfolk: Fact or Fiction and Monsters of the Sea out as well, quickly thumbing through the pages to make sure the contents she needed were there. She scooped up her three books and made her way to the front desk, eager to get out of the stuffy library. Lucy raised her eyebrows at what Astrid had found, but said nothing as she checked the books out and put them into a plastic bag to keep them from getting wet.

"Have a nice night." Lucy said as Astrid headed for the door, although it didn't sound too sincere.

"You too." Astrid automatically replied, stepping back out into the drizzle. She put the bag of books into the wagon, and set off again with the big black dog behind her. She turned off the paved road and progressed down a gravel driveway towards the fishmonger's shack. Down on the cliffs, the fishmonger had an appropriate view of the ocean, which still roared in the wind.

Astrid parked her wagon next to the window that displayed a variety of fish and crustaceans. She held back the urge to gag at the overpowering smell of fish and saltwater as she opened the door. The bell above the door chimed, catching the attention of the three men standing inside. They looked over at her, eyeing the dripping fringes of her damp hair and polka dot rain boots. They knew she was out of place here, but she ignored their dubious glances and walked up to the counter anyway.

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