Li Jie looked at the inner cabin of his battleship that had been bombed to pieces like ruins, and the battleship's control station that had taken the dominant position.

    He fell into silence...

    grinding his teeth heavily. Li Jie felt a splitting headache.

    A bunch of lunatics, can they take revenge on the person responsible, destroy his battleship, and float together in the universe?

    Li Jie could no longer imagine what kind of riots would happen outside if these lunatics were released!


    "Lanlan, but this is inedible, did you know?" Ye Ling pointed to the umbrella grass, with a bad expression on her face: "These are poisonous."

    Lanlan stopped cutting the mushrooms, and she looked Xiang eldest brother, his big eyes were full of confusion.

    Ye Ling asked her about science: "What is this called? What did you just say?"

    Blue lips squirmed: "Mushroom?"

    "Yes, it's not called that. This is called umbrella grass. It is a herbaceous plant that grows on the top of the head. It has an umbrella-like shape, so it is called umbrella grass."

    Lanlan: "..."

    The little girl scratched her head: "Brother, mushrooms are not herbaceous plants, mushrooms are a type of fungus, and they belong to the Mushroom family. It's not grass."

    Ye Ling frowned: "When I was marching in the field, I often saw this kind of umbrella grass. They usually grow in rotten wood and dark and damp corners. These places are the most likely to breed mutated substances. place, so they are naturally rich in highly toxic substances."

    Lanlan shook her head quickly: "No, big brother, mushrooms like to grow in dark places because they need to extend their hyphae into moist and warm soil or dead wood to absorb organic matter. This is the way this biological species grows. Just because the place they live in is not good, it cannot be said that they are inherently poisonous."

    Ye Ling shook his head: "But the canopy grass is indeed poisonous, and the canopy canopy is poisonous. Grass is very cunning. It not only grows in places with dense vegetation such as forests, but also grows in human homes. For example, near some star ports, umbrella grass will grow in the corners or under the eaves. Sometimes children I don’t understand, I almost died when I put it in my mouth and ate it!”

    Lanlan sighed softly: “Brother, Lanlan has already said that mushrooms just like dark and moist places. Not all of them are poisonous. Of course, there are poisonous mushrooms. The brighter the mushrooms, the more poisonous they are, but these ones picked by Lanlan, although ugly, are not poisonous."

    Lanlan diced the chopped mushrooms again . , held it up and showed it to the elder brother: "Brother, look, after Lanlan cut the mushroom's bacillus, what was secreted out was a liquid like water. This is the water in the mushroom, which means it is not poisonous. , but if the secretion is thick and strange liquid that changes color when exposed to air, then it means that it is a poisonous mushroom and must not be eaten!"

    Then, Lan Lan said several ways to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from non-toxic mushrooms. The poisonous mushroom method.

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