Chapter XIV "New Breaks and New Builds"

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I wasn't fazed a bit, but nonetheless walked past her and towards the safe, inspecting it closely before grabbing the front of it and pulling on it, causing it to creek and squeak, but after a while, stopped "Is something wrong?" she asked "...No... I just can't open it," I started lying "Is a metal door too much for you?" she insulted "Apparently," I snapped back. I turned to face her, seeing her face was one of seriousness and filled with anger "...If you say so..." she slowly let out as I attempted to walk by her, but felt as she grabbed my arm to stop me "I've waited years to get my revenge... and I'm not gonna let an under-developed skeleton and his mutt get in my way," she whispered.

Her grip tightened on my arm before letting go "Dismissed," she said before walking up the stairs and leaving; leaving me in whatever room I was "...Waste of my damn time," I muttered while walking up the stairs myself, exiting from the secret room and realized it was hidden behind the Edgar Allen Poe statue 'Can this day get any weirder?' I asked myself.

~Time Skip~

I was in my room, completely bored with nothing to do as my clock struck eight and I suddenly heard a knock on my door "Whoever you are, I'm not in the mood..." I said, just loud enough for whoever was at the door to hear, but it was made obvious as the person entered anyway "Well there goes any peace I had for the day," I groaned while sitting up from my bed. I was greeted by the sight of both Wednesday and Enid at my door "...No," I immediately said "But-," "No," "I didn't even-," "Absolutely not," I kept cutting Enid off every time she tried to speak "Would you just hear me out?" she asked.

I warily looked over towards Wednesday who coldly stared back at me "If this black haired freak wasn't with you, perhaps I would," I said "Deadweight," "Short-stack," her and I exchanged insults "Just let me explain and you can decide from there!" Enid walked in between our gazes "...Fine," I gave in "Wednesday wanted to celebrate her birthday properly, but we need a way off campus," she explained.  I looked over and Wednesday and back at Enid "You actually believe her?" I asked, to which Enid simply nodded "...Mother-," I stopped myself and sighed before standing up "So what's the plan?" I asked while putting my shoes on.

Enid immediately lit up and smiled wildly "YOU'RE IN?!" she asked excitedly "Someone's gotta make sure you aren't hurt to bad," I explained while getting up and following them as we exited my dorm and headed to the front, where Enid lied by saying she was about to wolf out, and the teachers immediately let us leave.  As we walked out, Enid and Wednesday then both put on a sort of sewn hood "What are you wearing?" I asked, attempting to hold my laughter as Wednesday glared at me "They're snoods! I made them!" Enid said proudly "Of course you did," I chuckled "You want me to make you one too?" she asked "I'll leave that aesthetic to the professionals," I laughed a little.

We exited the gates and I saw a car parked at the front 'Since when did she know what an Uber was?' I opened the car door and let Enid inside first before entering myself and seeing Tyler as the driver "...What the-," "Wait, he's our uber driver?" Enid asked "Uber driver?" Tyler asked confused "What the hells going on?" I attempted to ask.  Wednesday didn't even bother to glance at us as we all asked about our own lies we were told "I thought we were going on a date," Tyler said "I thought we were celebrating your birthday," Enid said "I thought you were smarter than this Enid," I popped in.

I then looked at Tyler and started acting scared as to not blow our cover, which was honestly better acting than anything I've ever seen "And who's the walking dead guy?" Tyler asked "The guy who'll make you look like me if you don't shut your mouth," I threatened, making Tyler go further into his act and act even more scared.  "There's been a change of plans," Wednesday then stated "What's up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?" Tyler asked "Don't ask, just drive," Wednesday coldly responded as Tyler started the engine and started driving to god knows where "You should have seen this coming," I whispered to Enid.

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