Chapter XII "Comforting and Differences"

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(Y/n) POV:

I was walking blindly into the woods, looking around and continuously shouting "Enid!" repeatedly "Enid! It's just me out here, c'mon out!" I yelled while looking around 'She couldn't have picked a smaller area to run into, huh?' I thought to myself while continuing to wander around the woods aimlessly.  I then came across a few trees that had scratch marks on them, and it immediately clicked in my mind "Enid, I know you're around here!" I looked around and followed where the scratch marks mostly led "ENID!" I yelled one final time as I then heard sobbing close by, along with seeing more and more scratch marks.

I walked closer towards the sobbing and scratched before finally seeing Enid, crying and scratching a tree repeatedly "Finally, thought I lost you..." I slowly walked up to her, but she just ignored me and kept scratching the tree "...You uh... just fighting a tree?" I tried to lighten the mood, but just ignored once again. I walked next to her, but she was completely focused on her scratches, he tears slowly sliding down her face as she did "...Enid?" I asked; still no response, I slowly put my hand on her shoulder, finally making her stop her scratches and just stand in silence along side me.

She then slowly started to sit down, as did I, and we sat in silence, not even a birds chip was heard within our moment "...I hate this..." Enid muttered "...Hate what?" I asked "Being called different... my siblings are already wolfing out and howling at the moon within their first months yet... here I am..." she slowly explained, her voice breaking as she did. I simply patted her back "You know... I used to think being different was a bad thing... but you've shown me that it's actually the opposite," "But that's different," She blurted out "Do you know what it's like? Having your mother think of you as a disappointment just for being different?" she asked while facing me with teary eyes.

I stopped patting her back and looked at the floor, thinking for a little "No... because I don't even remember mine..." I looked back up at her, now having a sort of realization expression "Now let me ask you," I said "Do you know what's it like, to not even know how your mother looks, because the second she held you, she collapsed dead?" I asked. Enid then looked back to the ground, processing what I had said before replying "I'm sorry..." "...I hated being different because of what happened to my mom... but you showed me that being different isn't a curse, it's a blessing, even if it doesn't seem so at first, it makes us... unique in a way... and this is coming from someone who was made different involuntarily."

Enid only stayed silent, her sobs slowly calming down as she processed what I said "You're different... and if your mother can't accept that, is she really your mother?" I asked, making Enid give a small nod "...You're right..." she looked at me with a faint smile "I'm sorry," she said as I nodded back in response "No problem, just helping the same person out of the same dark pit I was in." We stayed silent for a short amount of before she started hugging me, and I; in response, slowly hugged back, gently holding each her for a few minutes before separating and standing up "Lets get you back to the dorms, you've had enough family interaction," I said, holding her hand and leading her out the forest.

~Small Time Skip~

Enid was back in her dorm and I was back in mine, thinking over Enid's situation '...I'm not mentally fit to fix this crap,' I thought to myself before turning to my side and seeing my hoodie stuffed into the hole in the wall I created '...How have I not fixed that yet?' I sat up and went to take my hoodie out the wall before suddenly coming up with an idea. I quickly left my room and headed towards Laurels Greenhouse 'This is a terrible idea,' I thought to myself, yet still going through with it as I walked into the greenhouse and closed the door behind me "Laurel, I need a favor..." I yelled out as Laurel slowly turned towards me from her desk.

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