Chapter II "Confusion and connecting"

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(Y/n) POV:

About three days have passed and every time a outcast passes by me or stares at me, I can tell their scared and could tell their trying to avoid me, which would be amazing if one of such vermin didn't bother me every five minutes "(Y/n)!" I heard Enid call me as I slowly turned my head and groaned in annoyance to see her running up to me.

"What?" I asked as Enid stopped in front of me and just kept her smile "How are you?" she asked as I just glared at her with an annoyed look and responded "Your wasting my time," I said as I tried to walk away but she go in front of me "You are one annoying move away from being in the past tense," I said as I saw she still wasn't moving out the way.  I then tried to go around her but she stepped in front of me, I then tried again and achieved the same result "You are insanely lucky that this school has my hands tied," I said as I could tell her smile got even wider "Why don't you wanna be friends?" she suddenly asked but I didn't even flinch at such question.

"I'm not interested in being 'friends' with vermin," I simply said while again trying to walk past her but she didn't let me through "But why not?" she asked as I felt anger rise inside me as I held myself back from killing her with my cyanide "There are things I don't talk about to your kind," I said as I stood my ground and she did the same.  I then tried to go around but she again stopped me, but not just by stepping in front of me, rather by trapping me in a hug which caught me off guard "You better let go right now before you end up hugging death," I said as I took my hand out my pocket and got ready to remove my glove.

"Not until you hug back," she said as my anger rose even more as I removed my glove and stared down at her "You seriously want to meet god huh?" I asked as she didn't even move and I touched her head, but strangely didn't even flinch at such touch "See, wasn't that hard," she said as she pulled back and left as if nothing happened.  This left me stunned in place as such a thing has never happened before, not before, not even after I killed those other outcasts, yet she stood her ground and didn't even flinch at my touch 'What the hell,' I thought to myself at I slowly walked back to my dorm still reflecting on what just happened.

Enid POV:

"See, wasn't that hard," I said as I pulled back then walked away, but while walking; it felt as I was having a small headache, which was weird since I was perfectly fine before, but it didn't last very long and went away after a few minutes when I was talking to Yoko about (Y/n) yet no matter how much I talk about him, it seems everyone always try's to change the subject quickly out of fear of him.

(Y/n) POV:

I was in my room, contemplating every life choice that I've made till this very moment and how I was willing to risk a death sentence purely due to an annoying girl with the same energy as a dog that's high off crack that wouldn't leave me alone no matter how many references to death I made to her.  The sudden image of my cyanide not working on her then appeared in my brain as I stared at my hand without its glove and started thinking of all the possibilities on why and how it didn't work, that was until I heard a knock on the door "If your an outcast, back away before you get buried," I said as the door opened and Laurel walked in.

"What is it?" I asked as she responded "Were you really about to kill her?" she asked as I starred at her "I was, but couldn't" I responded as she looked at me with a confused expression "What do you mean?"she asked as I put my glove back on and stood up "Are you just here to question me or do you actually have news?" I asked as Laurel stayed silent.  "Nothing new, just needed to ask," she said while reaching for the door "Then don't come through that door, unless it's something to report," I said a little pissed and glaring at her as she glared back and nodded then left.

I was left standing and starring at the door as the thought of Enid's somehow immunity to my cyanide, raced through my head and didn't leave for a long time, around the time I got tired and wanted to sleep, yet couldn't, she seemed to stick in my mind and I just couldn't get rid of her, no matter how hard I tried.  "Damn outcasts," I said to myself as I tossed and turned in my bed trying to go to sleep but couldn't 'guess I'm not sleeping tonight,' I thought to myself as I got up and left the dorms quietly as I walked around a little and just sitting around the empty quad with the light of the night shining on my face.

"Full moon tonight," I said as I could hear faint howls in the distance "Indeed it is," I heard a random female voice say which caused me to jump a little and see Enid sitting next to me "How in the actually...," I said still a little startled but she didn't seem to mind as she starred towards the moon.  "I know what your thinking," she said while looking at me while I had a confused look on my face "Why aren't I wolfing out despite the full moon," she said while looking back towards the moon "Not really, I don't care," I said while starring at the moon to and silence filled the air.

"But now I do wonder," I suddenly said as I looked towards Enid who now had a shocked stare "What?" I asked as she still had her confused look and I finally realized why "Just because I can't stand you doesn't mean I don't want to know things," I said as she let her confused face go and started talking "I'm a late bloomer," she said as I just sat and listened.  "I don't know why but so far the only thing I have for wolf powers are my claws," she said as her claws suddenly grew then retracted, then I started thinking and realized something important "Enid, let's test something out," I said as I took my glove off and starred at her.

"Touch my hand," I said as Enid was a little confused but agreed anyway and as she did, nothing happened, she managed to stay perfectly still with no sighs of dizziness or breathing difficulty "Do you feel anything?" I asked as she just shook her head "Aside from a minor headache, I'm fine," she said as I pulled back and out my glove back on.  "I guess you aren't that far from joining the howling," I said as she looked at me with confusing "Your probably wondering why my hand looked the way it did, correct?" I asked as she nodded "I have an ability called 'cyanide touch' which will kill any living organism I come to contact with cyanide poisoning.

I said as she looked at me with a fearful expression while staring at her hand "Yet, you didn't seem to experience such symptoms of cyanide poisoning," I said as she suddenly asked "What does this have to do with me getting close to wolfing out?" "You said the only ability of a were wolf you have are the claws, right?" I asked as she nodded.  "That's not the only ability you have, you also seem to be immune to my touch as all werewolves aren't affected by it, only by wolfsbane," I explained as she looked at her hand again, but this time in surprise "If you already have the immunity of a werewolf, your not far from its form," I finished as she looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Thanks," she simply said as I looked away from her and stood up "Just because I gave you hope doesn't mean I'm your friend," I said as I started walking away but not before hearing her say "We might not be friends 'yet' but you sure act like one," and she just walked away, I was left frozen in place for a little before walking away and reflecting on what she said.

I got back to my dorm and relaxed on my bed while reflecting again on what she said and holding the hand she held until I snapped out my trance and rolled around in my bed 'God damnit, damn werewolf,' I thought to myself before finally finding a confortable spot 'We'll never be friends, we can't be,' was my last thought before I started to drift off and finally fell asleep.

The 'outsider' Outcast//Enid Sinclair x Male 'Mister bones' readerWhere stories live. Discover now