Chapter 10: I Can't Make Any Promises

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For five weeks, I have been tracking down Y/n's location. I didn't have to ask to share locations because we already began when we started dating. 

Every night at seven is when Y/n closes her photography studio. Until a couple of weeks ago, she used to travel by car, but Y/n told me to drive it since my school is farther than her studio. We had a whole argument about it; I didn't want Y/n walking and riding in the city bus late at night. I offered to drop her off, but I had to be at my job much earlier than she had for hers. After Y/n pointed that out and promised to ride the bus, I gave up and began driving the car.

After closing her photography studio, Y/n would need to take the bus home afterward, but every time I checked her location, her picture was moving along the other side of town. This is where all of the larger and wealthier buildings in Seoul are.

You may wonder why I don't follow her since I have the car now. I don't have time; writing lesson plans, grading, and rebuilding the PTA program has me busy.

On one Saturday morning, Y/n nor I had to go to work, meaning we would be together all day. I had woken up when I saw Y/n standing in front of the mirror in our bedroom, commenting about her weight.

"Where is this extra weight coming from? I'm walking and eating healthy all the time," she said.

"There's nothing wrong with gaining extra weight," I said groggily, still half asleep. "You're still beautiful in my eyes."

My cheesy comment didn't sway her.

"But Riki, I need to stay skinny for my mo-"

Y/n suddenly stopped mid-sentence, stopping herself from saying the next word. I sat up in bed that time. "Why did you stop talking?"

Y/n shook her head. "No reason. I need to stay skinny for my photography job."

I knew photography wasn't Y/n's first topic in the sentence, so I decided to press on. "Why would you need to stay skinny for that?"

"I need to get in weird positions to take good pictures. You wouldn't understand- Riki, I can hear you laughing!"

I chuckled, lying back down. I knew Y/n was lying, but I didn't want to irritate her more.

Today was Friday, and to my surprise, there wasn't any work to complete on my agenda. So, I decided to visit Y/n at her photography studio. 

My primary purpose for visiting is to continue my investigation. I would tell Y/n I'm taking her dinner to catch her off guard. If she agrees, I will make all my suspicions go away. If she refuses, they will only grow.

By 6:58 PM, I arrived at Nishi Photography Studio and walked inside. Y/n was zipping up her purse when she saw me. She jumped.

"Riki? What are you doing here?"

I smirked, strolling over to Y/n and kissing her on the lips. "What's wrong with a husband surprising his wife?"

"N-nothing, I'm glad you're here!"

Y/n kissed me and smiled. It was forced; I knew she didn't want me to be here.

I clasped both of her hands. "I want to take you out to dinner. We haven't been on one for weeks because we were so busy."

"Oh, Riki, you don't have to!"

That was Y/n's way of telling me to leave nicely.

The door opened, and I turned around to see who it was. I expected a package delivery, but my theory was wrong.

It was Park Sunghoon, the person I despise the most in this world.

I scowled, moving one of my hands off of Y/n's. The other one was holding onto her right hand tightly. "What are you doing here, Park Sunghoon?" I said with a sneer.

Sunghoon also seemed surprised that I was there. He chuckled, quickly fixing his expression. "Well, it's nice to see you too, Nishimura Riki."

We glared at each other for a while until Y/n spoke up quietly. "Riki-"

"Sunghoon, what are you doing at my wife's photography studio? Are you going to damage her reputation too?" I asked.

Sunghoon smiled. "Not quite, Riki. I'm picking up Y/n for her other job. She's a photographer at BE:Lift Lab. She has a session tonight."

"Really?" I asked, turning my face to Y/n. "Why don't you just drive up there, Y/n? We have a car. And since when did you have a side job?"

"She doesn't like driving in the city, Riki."

"Last time I checked, I think your name is Park Sunghoon, not Nishimura Y/n."

"I'm just helping her out."

Before I could say something else, Y/n said my name pleadingly, escaping my grasp. "Please don't argue with my boss," she said. "He lets me ride with him so I don't have to take the bus or car to get to work."

"You didn't answer my second question. Is this why you insisted that I drive the car?"


"Is this where you be going every night? Why didn't you tell me?"

"She doesn't need to tell you everything, Riki," Sunghoon said, stepping in between me and Y/n. "You're always too nosy and get into other people's business. That's one of your bad traits."

My mouth gaped open at the false accusation. What the hell is this prick saying? I'm not a nosy person!

Sunghoon pulled Y/n towards him and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and looked at me. "We'll talk about this when I get home, Riki. Have a good night."

Y/n then walked outside and went into Sunghoon's car.

I was too furious to try and stop her. I couldn't believe it. Why did Y/n get another job without telling me? How did she and Sunghoon find each other? What other things was Y/n hiding from me?

Sunghoon grinned smugly at me and turned away to the door. "I'll bring your wife back safe and sound, Riki. There's no need to worry," he said.


The man stopped and turned back to me. "Yes, Riki?"

"Don't try any funny business with my wife. I'll find out if you do."

Sunghoon snickered.

"I can't make any promises."


I love all this drama. Let's keep it coming! :D

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