Chapter 7: The Truth

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I'm so stupid; why hadn't I realized it before?

It all made sense: Sunghoon parking in the CEO spot, the employees bowing to him, his big office.

Why didn't I realize he was the CEO of BE:Lift Lab this whole time? Why am I now figuring out that he's the son of a powerful tycoon?

Jungwon saw my expression, and he gasped. "Wait, you didn't know that Park Sunghoon was the CEO?"

"Yes!" I cried. "I didn't know that he was the CEO of BE:Lift Lab! And it was right in front of me this whole time!"

"Why would he not tell you?"

I calmed down for a second, thinking about my answer. "Maybe it's for a good reason," I said with a shrug.

"Y/n, there's nothing good about hiding the truth," Jungwon said, trying to figure out how I went from freaking out to being calm. I was trying to figure it out myself. "Sunghoon told you he was a model agent, which meant he lied to you."

Jungwon placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's not too late to quit, Y/n."

"Are you crazy?" I shrieked, slapping his hand away. "I can't leave my modeling job; I just started!"

"But Y/n, if someone you trusted was hiding a big secret from you, would you still work with them?"

I shrugged again. "It depends."

"Oh my god!"

Jungwon groaned, placing his palm on his forehead and shaking with disappointment. "Why are you so planted on this modeling job? Other jobs can get you extra money!"

"But it has to be this! I found something else that I enjoy! For once, I don't have to be the person behind the camera."

"I can get where you're coming from, but still, I'm worried for your safety."

"Huh? My safety?" I was baffled. Was I in danger or something?

"The Parks and the company don't have a good reputation. Sunghoon's mom, An Yeonghwa, scams people with their money. And Sunghoon's dad, Park Jongbin, bribes so he doesn't have to pay taxes. And many people, especially women, have left BE:Lift Lab due to mistreatment."

"What's this got to do with Sunghoon?"

Jungwon rolled his eyes. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Y/n. Sunghoon probably has scandals under his belt, too."

"No, he does not," I said, almost laughing. "If he did, I would've found out by now."

"But you didn't know that he was a CEO."

"That's different."

Jungwon sighed. "Look, Y/n, I just want you to be safe. We've been friends for a long time, so I'll naturally get worried if you're involved in something you shouldn't be."

"Thanks, Jungwon, but I'll be fine," I said with a smile, trying to reassure my best friend's worries. He still didn't seem convinced, though.

"You know there are rumors of Sunghoon being a womanizer too?"

"He doesn't look like one."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Y/n. Like I said earlier, the apple-"

"Doesn't fall far from the tree. I know."

Jungwon sat down on one of the gray couches in the studio. "So, Y/n, what are you going to do? Are you still going to go with Sunghoon tonight?"

"Yes, I will," Jungwon was about to argue, but I put my hand up to stop him. "But I have a plan, so listen!"

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