Dec. 25 - Christmas

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Green looked down at the gift from Purple and grinned.

Of course Purple would get him a plushy of a duck with a knife.

"You're such a big goof," Green chuckled, shoving Purple lightly.

"Dude shut up!" Purple exclaimed, opening up his own present. He peered down at the stuffing. "Ooh, cat toys? Thanks so much, Red!" he called over.

"You're welcome!!!" Red called back.

Purple inspected another one of the gifts. "Oh wow, what fancy packaging. You know you didn't have to go all out, Green." Green shrugged as Purple opened up the gift.

Purple laughed.

"An otamatone? I'm going to learn how to play this faster than the violin!"

Green grinned, then unwrapped a gift that said To: Green || From: Yellow

He gaped at the glossy new CDs.

"Pigstep, Scott Buckley remix? This song is so good!" He looked over at Yellow. "Thanks!"

Yellow just nodded, then glanced down at the puzzle that Red had gotten him.

"Thank you, Red! I'm definitely going to be solving this tomorrow." Red beamed at him. Yellow looked around the base of the Christmas tree and found the gift for him from Blue, and gently took off the lacing.

He inspected the rose polaroid.

"Blue!! This is the exact one I had when I was friends with that Ghast. I've been trying to find a replacement forever," Yellow said, putting on arm on Blue's shoulder.

Laughing, Blue slid the top off the package from Yellow.

In the center of the fluffy white stuffing was new crochet hooks and yarn!

 "AHHH!!! Thanks so much Yellow," Blue said happily, tackling him with a hug. Yellow beamed. "And the yarns perfect too, isn't it?" Yellow asked him.

"Yeah!!" Blue agreed. Even though Blue was really excited to crochet, he moved onto the gift TSC got for him.

"An apron! I was trying to find a new one after all those ramen stains," Blue said, putting it to the side. Red strolled over to Blue, crouching next to him.

"Did you open my gift yet?" he asked warmly.

"Oh! No, not yet. Where is it?"

"Over there! Here I'll get it for you." Red walked over to a small box and handed it to Blue. "Here ya go!" Blue took off the wrapping paper and looked at the inside.

"Ooh, dinosaur plant pots! I should put mini succulent plants in here." Blue smiled up at Red. "Thanks, Red! This is awesome!" But Red was already looking at the insides of another box.

"Blue!!! These bunny earmuffs are sooo soft!" Red exclaimed. "And it goes perfectly well with the bunny keychain I got from Purple!!" He held up a fluffy bunny keychain.

"Hmm, I need to check if Purple opened the gift I got for him," Red continued. "Wait here!"

As he walked over to Purple, he noticed that he was playing with Midnight. Purple looked up.

"Hey, Red! Midnight loves the gift you got for him," mentioned Purple.

"Yeah, thanks for the green otamatone!!" Green added. "Purple got an otamatone from me. I guess both of us went to the same music store."

"Oh yeah, I guess we did! Great minds think alike," Red quoted. Green laughed. "Yeah, I guess so!"

Green started unwrapping another gift, and held up the plushy that kind of looked like Bob.

Christmas advent calendar || Alan BeckerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat