Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 1

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NOTE: This day (dec. 5) is going to be split into different chapters and the POV's are going to be in rainbow order (Red first, TSC second, Yellow third, etc.)

ALSO NOTE: Every POV is happening at the same time so if the characters interact, it's going to be on both sides of the POV

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Location: Mall

Red's POV:

Red lugged his shopping basket around, trying to find the best gift for his friends. He didn't exactly know what he was looking for; hopefully just walking around would help!

But he knew he had to get something that everyone else liked. It's always that thought that counts! he remembered. First things first, he had to find something for TSC.

Red knew that TSC liked to sleep in and loves drawing.. maybe he could get a stylus for him? ..but he already had a pen from the UI.. so maybe... a.. plushy? Everyone likes plushies!

Yes that's it!! Red thought to himself, skipping to the store.

He looked around at all the adults milling around, probably shopping for their children, he thought. Red scanned the shelves, and found a section just for  Squishmallows!!

There were dogs, cats, unicorns, aliens, fish, and even hamsters!

"That's a lot of options!" Red murmured. He started thinking more about the gift he was planning to get– it was something he'd like, not TSC. He liked animating, sleeping to pass the time, drinking watermelon juice...

If he was being honest, it seemed like TSC was always bored. A puzzle could do, but that would be seem more for Yellow, so... he should get him a sketchbook!

Red turned around, heading for the exit of the store. He turned a left and ran straight into Blue!

"Oh, hey Blue!" Red exclaimed, trying to skirt out of his way. Blue stepped in front of him, grabbing him by the arm.

"Red, I have no idea what I should get for TSC! Any ideas?" Blue asked urgently. 

"Umm, I'm just getting him a sketchbook.. maybe you should get him some of those fancy inking pens!!" Red suggested, "I think I saw a few stores down there with those items. Actually, want to go together?" Red asked him.

"Sure!" Blue and Red darted to the store, and they checked out all that they needed. Soon, Blue left, and Red was left alone in the store.

The store didn't only have pens and sketchbooks, it also had puzzles! And Red knew that was the perfect gift for Yellow. Red decided on a 1,000 piece puzzle, and left the store, proud that he was already finished buying two gifts.

Red entered the music store, passing Green as he entered. He found an assortment of instruments. He was inspecting the guitars when he noticed that on the shelf above it, were otamatones!!

Green would love this! Red thought to himself eagerly, putting it inside the shopping basket.

He checked out and set out to the plants section to get a gift for Blue.

Hmmm, I wonder of Blue wants a new plant or something.. Red strolled through the different plants, and was at the end of the store when he found something amazing. Incredible. Mystical!

"Oh my god, are those dinosaur plant pots?!" he whispered to himself, his eyes going wide. He gingerly picked up 2 plant pots and gently placed it inside the shopping basket. Checking out, he left the store.

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