Dec. 14 - Hot Chocolate around the Fire

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Purple moved his hands closer to the crackling fire, Green being right next to him

They had closed the lights, which left the fire to be the only light source.

Red had Midnight on his lap.

TSC was sleeping.

Yellow was reading.

Green was next to him. 

It was pure bliss. It was also the only time that Purple had ever heard the others be so quiet.

Blue came into the living room, juggling 6 cups of hot chocolate.

"Uhh, could I get a little help here?" he asked apologetically.

"Yeah, I got it!" Yellow set his book down and Blue let out a sigh of relief as he took 3 of the cups.

Blue started passing the cups around, giving one to each person.

"Thanks!" Purple said.

"Yeah thanks," Green agreed, already taking a sip.

"No problem!" Blue said, giving Red a cup too. He had two cups left, and tried to gently wake up TSC.

"Hey, wake up!" Blue said. Yellow hid a smile as he said, "That's not going to wake him up y'know. He's a deep sleeper."

Green stood up, going over to the couch TSC was sleeping in.

"Hey, c'mon, wake up! WAKE UP!! Hmm, I guess he's just really sleepy." Green shrugged returning back to Purple.

"Wait no– I have a really great idea," Yellow said, an evil smirk on his face.

"Oh no," Blue whispered to Purple as Yellow got a few books from books shelves and opened them up.

"He's either going to do something really stupid or something really loud. Or both," Blue whispered again.

Yellow crouched down by the couch, grabbing one open book in each hand. He 'shh'd everyone before he slammed both the books shut.


(slammed a book shut irl and I couldn't define what it sounded like ;v;)

"AHH WHAT THE F- oh it's just you," TSC said calmly to Yellow. He sniffed the air before saying, "Is that... hot chocolate I smell?"

"Yup!" Blue said, prancing over with a mug in hand. He passed it to TSC who gave it a very big sip.

"Ahhh, that hits just the right spot," he said. "Not too hot, not too cold, juuust right."

    ° ° °

342 words <33

I have a concert today!!! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) I just hope I don't mess up :))

(started Wednesday dec. 13 || finished Thursday dec. 14)

Christmas advent calendar || Alan Beckerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें