Dec. 20 - Shopping (Green & Purple)

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5 more days until Christmas!! :D

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Purple's POV:

"See you in a bit!"


Purple strolled towards the escalator up to the second floor, choosing the best store to get TSC's gift at.

He's a really artistic person, isn't he? He'd probably like something to improve his drawings... Purple thought, entering a crafts store.

The double doors swung open and Christmas music blasted into his face as he entered the first set of aisles.

Oooh, charcoal pencils. Fancy, Purple thought, his hands behind his back as he wandered through the aisle.

As he reached the end of the aisle, he noticed stacks of sketchbooks among the pencils.

:000 omgod what is that? Purple went over to it and picked up a set of markers.

Poscas? Even more fancy.

He took a look at the price.

20$??!! For 8 markers? That is... expensive. Like $2.50 for one marker!!

Purple debated with himself for a little bit, stilling holding onto the markers.

"Well, if they're so expensive, that has to mean that they're really good, right? I could see TSC using paint markers," Purple whispered to himself, putting it into the shopping basket.

He stared at the Strathmore Sketchbooks, as a gentle voice glided past him.

"Those sketchbook books are actually very good, I think you should get them."

Purple almost jolted at the sudden voice as he turned to look over his shoulder. He was met with a lavender colored stick figure.

"Oh, umm, t-thank you for the advice," Purple said clumsily before straightening himself up.

"No worries, I always have trouble trying to pick out the best gifts for my friends," the lavender colored stick replied, nodding delicately.

"Your friend seems like the creative type, doesn't he?" they continued on.

Purple refrained himself from asking how they knew all these things.

How he knew that his friend was male.

How he was getting a gift for his friend.

Purple looked at the lavender colored stick curiously.

"Yeah, he is pretty creative. Thank you."

Before Purple had finished his sentence though, the stick had already floated off to the next aisle. He could hear the stick's footsteps lightly tapping away.

Huh, you don't get met with that everyday, Purple thought as he strode over to the self checkout.

He started scanning the items, a beep sounded as he scanned the Poscas, then the sketchbook.

Purple pulled the door open, then realized that it was stuck.

What the...

He looked down next to the handle and peered at the words sprawled in red text.


He pushed open the door out into the cool mall, embarrassment flooding him.

I really hope nobody saw that...

He went over to the center of the mall and settled himself down onto one of the voluminous sofas, pulling out his phone to text Green.

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Green's POV:

"Heheh this is perfect," Green said to himself, picking up a heavy box. "Oof, and heavy," he added, shifting it around so he could have a better grip on it.

He headed back over to the other side of the store, trying not to drop the box as he hauled it with him to the checkout line. He checked his watch as he scanned the box under the red light.

Hmm, only 4:23? Not bad, Green thought as he pushed the door open. 

He looked down at the box he was holding, grinning to himself.

Yellow would absolutely love this. A drone? All to himself? Basically a dream come true!

Green sat down on one of the benches at the side of the mall, putting his backpack on his lap.

He zipped it open and stuffed the drone into it, barely being able to close his backpack right after.

I hope my backpack doesn't look too weird with this giant box inside it..

He hopped into the elevator, pressing the button to go back down to the first floor. He opened up his phone as he stepped out, noticing a new text message from Purple.

🟣: hey, you done yet?

He texted back.

🟢: yup! I'm heading down rn

🟣:   • • •

🟣: oki :)

Green turned a corner and was met with a giant Christmas tree in the center of the mall. He looked up at the golden star that was glowing brightly at the top of the tree, little white snowflakes hanging from above the ceiling.

He looked down and saw Purple on his phone, holding onto a bag.

"Hey Purple! PURP!!"

Purple looked around for a bit before seeing Green. Purple waved to him as he went to join him.

"Hey, what's up?" Green asked Purple.

"The ceiling," Purple grinned as Green pushed him teasingly.

"I'm just joking! Just joking." Purple laughed as Green glared at him with a smirk on his face.

They traveled to the entrance of the mall, pushing the double doors open. The crisp breeze blew onto their faces, making their scarfs billow.

Purple adjusted his bag as Green looked down to peer at him. Green caught a glimpse of something in his bag.

"Oooh," Green started.

Purple looked up at him. "What?"

"Is that a sketchbook I see?"

Purple frowned at him, his eyes narrowing, "..I don't know, is it?"

Green only nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah, I think it is."

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813 words <33

fun fact: I wrote most of this in a Panera ^^

(started Sunday dec. 17 || finished Tuesday dec. 19)

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