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The initiates follow Danny through a long corridor to the cafeteria, where everyone gets their breakfast and talks to their friends. Leigh, Ro, Kori, and I stay in a group. Neither me nor Leigh eat more than a muffin and a banana. Guess today isn't much of a food day.

"So what do you guys think they'll do?" Ro asks us. We all look at him, confused. What on earth does he mean? No one asks him, though. Guess today isn't much of a questions day, either.

"I mean, like, for initiation." Ro makes his question more specific, and everybody shrugs.

"Fights," Leigh says, still munching on her banana, allowing us to see chunks of whitish-yellowish food in between her teeth. When we all give her disgusting glances, she cluelessly asks, "what is it?"

"Nothing," replies Kori and we finish our meals. It takes everyone else five minutes more and then we all head down to this place called the Pit.

"We will be doing something extremely fun," Danny tells us, excitement in his voice. "Hamster-balling in the water! Who wants first four?"

"Me," Ro announces and he, Leigh, Kori, and I get into a greenish hamster ball. We are pushed off the ledge and I almost scream in fear, but Leigh and Ro seem to be enjoying it.

The waves crash against the hamster ball and we are tossed in all directions by the rapid current. At some point the ten-foot hamster ball allows two feet of water to get in, drenching us in the stuff to add to the fun. Now there's about 8 hamster balls and Leigh gets this wacky idea of crashing into them.

"Damn this is so fun!" I scream.

"Yeah," Ro says. "Faster, Leigh!" Leigh tries to crash into the others faster, and we all end up soaked in water. Suddenly we hear a scream and blood fills one of the hamster balls. We look back and see someone drowning in the 30-foot deep water. Danny tries to calm us down and he jumps down to save the drowning person. Leigh and I run to the scene and we see an unconscious boy in the water.

"Damn it! He's dead!" Someone - a girl - from his hamster ball says. By now, at least ten Dauntless are surrounding the boy.

"Not dead. He's just out, unconscious." Another one says.

"You sure, Josh?" The girl asks.

"Positive." Josh says, and he helps hauling the unconscious boy to the infirmary.

"You know," Leigh says, "by the way the Dauntless are, I'm not sure if they're sad about that boy." Dauntless do celebrate death. But not enough that families won't be remorseful for their kids if they die, at least I hope. People were never like that in Candor. I have to remind myself that this is Dauntless, not Candor. Completely different.


Guys. I don't think anyone's reading this. So next chapter, I'll post it when I have one read. (Guys, I haven't even created it, so yeah.). I think that's fair, readers. One read = One chapter.

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