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I am in the faction of Candor. I am sixteen years old. My name is Kassandra. And today is the day of the aptitude test that decides what faction that I belong in. Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless, or Erudite. The choice is mine.

"You ready for the aptitude test, Kassandra? Nervous a bit?" My mother asks me as I walk downstairs to the kitchen where breakfast sits on the table.

"No, not at all," I reply and my brothers - one is twelve and the other seventeen - both laugh at my answer. I shoot them a death glance.

But today I eat breakfast fast and run to catch a bus that I am ten minutes early for: I have told my first lie. And now Candor will kick me out. Luckily, if I lied, that means I do not belong in Candor. That I will have a new faction that will accept me into it. A home. I smile to myself.

The bus takes us to school in very few minutes. So few that it can be one minute, but I doubt it. I grab my bag and hurry out the door. A Dauntless girl - I think her name is Rory - shoves me. "Outta my way, Candor freak!" She insults. Lately we have been called "freaks" but I honestly have no idea why. Perhaps a sour relationship between Candor and Dauntless.

"Hey, mind your bussiness, stupid!" I shout, but I doubt that the boy heard me. Oh well. I can so tell on him. It's what Candors are best at.

The day goes by quickly and before I know it, it is time to take the aptitude tests. Pull yourself together, Kassandra, these have no control over you. When my name is called, I walk slowly to the room. Before I reach it, the same Dauntless boy stops me.

"What faction're you choosing, huh, Candor freak?" He says.

"Dauntless," I say, "so I can kick your butt."

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