Chapter 131

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The principal returned to the office with satisfaction. Lin Aimin was still sitting there. The principal said embarrassedly, "I kept you waiting for a long time."

Lin Aimin said hurriedly, "It's okay, it's okay. If you have anything to do, just go ahead and get busy.

" Aimin also knew that the principal must have taken the chalk and asked the school teachers to test it with their own hands. There was no rush for this kind of thing, and he had nothing to do. It was okay to sit in the office and wait for a while.

The principal sat back in his seat and said to Lin Aimin, "This chalk is good. Our school wants it."

Then, the principal and Lin Aimin discussed the price and quantity of the chalk, and finally came up with an agreement that both parties were satisfied with the price.

The chalk was sold smoothly. Lin Aimin was very happy, and the principal was also very happy. Thinking that all the teachers in the school could use such good chalk, he was in a good mood, and said to Lin Aimin, "Such a good chalk, It's a pity that only our school uses it. In two days, there will be a meeting in the city. I will also recommend it to the principals of other schools. If they are interested, you can contact them personally."

Lin Aimin naturally said. Very grateful.

The next day, Lin Aimin delivered the first batch of chalk made in the village to the school. The teachers at the school used the new chalk that day. Soon every teacher realized the benefits of this kind of chalk, and was even more interested in this kind of chalk. Full of praise.

After Lin Aimin and others brought the chalk, the principal immediately asked someone to pay them the money on the spot.

After returning to the village, they saw the old party secretary and the old village chief walking worriedly around the window. When they saw Lin Aimin and the others coming back, they quickly stepped forward to greet them, saying anxiously, "How is it? How was it? Did it sell?"

Lin Aimin and the others dragged the wooden cart and walked all the way back to the village, sweating profusely from exhaustion, but with smiles on their faces. Lin Aimin said happily, "Don't worry, you two, they have all been sold." He took out a wad of money from his pocket and handed it to the old party secretary. This is the money they gave. You should count it." The old

party secretary is in charge . After taking it, he counted it carefully and said happily, "That's right."

Then he praised, "That principal is really refreshing. People."

There were not many people in the factory. Except for the old village chief and the old party secretary, everyone else went there this time. They were naturally happy to see that the things were sold smoothly. They made dozens of dollars just this time.

On the way back, Lin Aimin also said to the old party secretary, "Principal Liu said that such good chalk will be introduced to the principals of other schools when he goes to the city for a meeting in two days. Our chalk The quality is so good, I think all the principals would be willing to buy it." The

old party secretary nodded with a smile, "Not bad, not bad, how can their chalks compare with our chalks?"

Principal Liu was quite concerned about this matter and went there. When the city held a meeting, I actually took a box of chalk away. When I met some principals from other counties and the city, I gave each principal a few pieces and asked them to go back and try it.

These principals didn't take it seriously at first, but because of Principal Liu's face, they all agreed with a smile, but felt a little disapproving in their hearts.

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