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He opens the door and peeks in shyly. His boss is sitting with a coy smile on his face as he watches him.
"Ahh, Mr. Huang. Its good to see your face. I'm in desperate need of some assistance." Renjun smiles brightly.
"I'm so happy to be here to help. I thank you for this opportunity, I honestly didn't think I would be qualified enough." He chuckles lightly.
"Qualifications aren't the only thing we take into consideration Mr. Huang." Renjun holds his hand up.
"Please call me Renjun." He says politely.
"Ahh, yes. Renjun, well we also take into consideration your enthusiasm for the job and your dedication. You had almost perfect attendance at your previous job and you have put off a vibe that you will be working extra hard and we appreciate that." Renjun's face lights up.
"Yes of course. I will do anything asked of me and I will work hard to learn everything as quickly as possible." Mr.Park smiles warmly.
"I have no doubt. So for today, take your time getting to know our computer system. I will give you a guide. When you finish your paperwork of course. You are free to answer phones and patch them through to whoever it is for. I will take you to your desk and give you a quick rundown of that and of course there is a guide on your desk as well." Renjun let's out a deep breath. This is going so much better than he imagined.

He dutifully fills out his paperwork after Mr. Park shows him the phones. When he gets his first call he directs it to the wrong person and doesn't know how to retrieve it, he will just hope no one finds out it was him.
By lunch time he has the phone system down and is feeling pretty good about himself.
He makes his way to the food court. Where people are bunched into little groups and decides he will take a small table off to the side. He isn't necessarily too shy to introduce himself, he's just used to sitting alone. He never took a break with his other coworkers because most of them were pigs and he would end up having to clean up after them, per orders of the boss.

He decides to go international today and have a burger, he can't wait to tell Haechan so he decides to FaceTime him.
"Renjunnie! Hi baby, how is your first day?" He asks as soon as they connect. Renjun shyly smiles and looks to see if anyone heard him.
"Shh, you are embarrassing me. But, it's so nice here. My boss is so sweet and caring and has taught me so much. I know it's only the first day but I feel like I found my place you know?" Haechan grins wildly.
"I knew you could do it baby. You are so smart and you will be a top employee soon and earn your way up the ranks." Renjun giggles.
"Well, for now I'm just going to focus on working hard and proving myself. I want to be really good at this so I can hopefully stay here until I retire." Haechan smiles softly.
"You will do great! You have an amazing work ethic and when you set a goal you stick to it. I'm so so happy for you." Renjun gasps.
"Ooh i almost forgot, I want to show you my cafeteria." He quickly stands and changes the camera angle to show him around.
"Maybe I should get a job there just for that, holy shit!" Renjun giggles and faces the camera back again to show him his burger.
"You should. But also, it would be nice to see you every day. I'm sure they have something here you could apply for." He says excitedly. Haechan smiles.
"We'll see. We are a dynamic duo aren't we?" He nods, a grin splitting his face.
"We are. I'm going to go now so I can eat this. Thank you for all your support Haechanie, I wouldn't be here without you." He says softly.
"Hey, I love you, you know this. I will support you in everything you do." He nods with a small smile and chooses to end the call so he doesn't get emotional.

He eats his amazing lunch and still has time. He plays around on his phone while listening to the murmurs of the workers next to him. He's not being nosey but he thinks they are talking about him.

"Do you suppose he's one of them? Is that why he's here? It's so weird that we work for them, you know? Like when I found out what they were I almost quit for fear of my life but they seem nice enough." The one says as he side eyes Renjun.
"We are all on the same team here, we don't judge people or them for what they are. We judged them for how they work and how they treat others." He frowns. He's so confused but tries to just ignore it. He really shouldn't be listening anyway. It's none of his business.

"Renjun." He hears from behind him. He looks up to see his boss.
"Oh hi sir, I'm just about done, is it time to go back?" He shakes his head with a smile.
"No, you still have twenty minutes. May I sit?" He nods and watches heads turn as he sits in front of him.
"I saw you sitting alone and that is no way to start your first day. Can I buy you a coffee?" Renjun shakes his head no.
"No, you don't have to. I'm fine." He shakes his head with a smile.
"Nonsense, what do you like?" His cheeks heat up, it's so strange for someone to be this nice, especially his boss.
"I like vanilla." He nods and stands.
"I'll be back." He nods and looks around. Some people are looking at him with envy and some with disgust. He shakes it off when he sets the cup in front of him.
"Thank you Mr. Park." He says softly.
"Call me Chanyeol." He says making Renjun blush by the intense stare he receives.
"So, how is your first day going? Is there anything you need help with?" He asks as he sips his coffee, his eyes never leaving Renjun's. He quickly pulls his stare away to the people next to them. The looks of disgust increasing.

"Uh, well, so far it's going ok. I started going through the programs on the computer to learn the system. So far so good." He smiles confidently.
"Ahh, that's great. I knew you were the right person for the job." He sips his drink once more before standing.
"Shall we walk back together?" Renjun nods with a nervous smile. This man stares into his soul much in the way Jeno does but it's a different kind of uncomfortable with him. He doesn't know him well yet, so he tries to play it off and will maybe get to know him before passing judgement.
He will give this job and all its people a chance because it means everything to him.

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