29: The final destination

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"Man, it's to hot out here..." Polnareff complained. "Plus I haven't had a shower for like two days! It's ruining my gorgeous looks." He continued while drinking his soda.

Just then, a man dressed in raggedy clothes sat next to him. Polnareff waved his hand at him but he didn't seem to budge. The French man then moved, and so did the other man. This continued a few times until Pol finally burst.

"Can you stop following me?" He shouted. "You're the one who took my spot looking like a begar, you should move!" The man then shouted.

"Are you a foreign begar? Here's some cash." A stranger gave Polnareff a few pounds.

"You bastard! You stole my money! That's my spot!" The man then scolded Polnareff.

"Polnareff! Give the begar his money and move out of his way!" Avdol shouted as we approached them.

"Why didn't you just tell me you were a begar?" Polnareff asked while giving his his money. "Because I'm supposed to be a mute begar! That's my job!" The begar said.

"He gets paid to sit here and act like a begar. Excuse my friend, he does not know the rules of this country." Avdol apologized to the begar.

"Huh?" Polnareff exclaimed confused.

"You hurt my ego. I wonder if I should start dressing up as a foreign begar to make more money. Well, there's always a tomorrow." The begar raised his hands. "By the way... you look familiar. Are you that fortune teller... Avdol right?" The begar said.

Avdol nodded and then showed him the picture of DIO's mansion. "Could you look for this mansion? We'll give you as much money as you need. Please be quick, we're short in time."  The begar took the picture and then he took his coat off to reveal an expensive looking suit underneath. He then stood infrond of a Bently.

"I'll find this building within 3 hours. Wait for me here." He said and then took off.

"By the way, has anyone seen Iggy?" Polnareff asked and we all shook our heads. "What a burden of a dog..."

"Well, Jotaro and I are going to take a walk for a bit. We won't take long, we'll be right back. Ciao!" I said taking Jojo's arm and quickly walking away. I could hear Polnareff complain about how he never finds a nice girl who loves him. "Have you tried dating a man?" Kakyoin told him, followed by Pol screaming again.

"Was there something you needed to tell me?" Jotaro asked. "Not necessarily, I just wanted to spend time alone with you." I said and he hummed.

"By the way, what do you plan on doing after graduation?" I asked, examining his scars on his hand. "I don't know, go to collage?" He said unsure. "Oh, where to?" There was a little pause. "...America." He said and I immediately dropped his hand.

"AMERICA? And what about your mother and I?! Are you gonna leave us alone?! How am I going to survive~~?! What if you find another girl in america, what am I going to do?!" I panicked. "Calm down your causing a scene." He said. "Nobody said you couldn't come with me. And do i really seem like the guy to cheat?" He took my hand and we continued walking. "Me? In America? Don't make me laugh." I giggled. "I'm fluent in English but I would never survive in America. It's huge. And what about my parents? I was thinking about going to Italy for my studies, but I'm not going anywhere without you." I said.

"You're a strong girl, you'll survive. We can just fly our parents to America once we're done with collage. Or we can go back to Japan once we're done. There's so many options." I sighed "I guess you're right."

"Why do you worry so much. Just be glad you're with me right now." He said. "Hey, it's not like you can just leave me. I know you love me." I smirked.

"No I dont,"
"Yes you do"
"No I dont,"
"Yes you do"
"No I don't,"
"No you don't"
"Yes I do- wait ugh." He blushed upset while I giggled. "What would you do without me?" I said. "Probably living my best life." He said and I gasped for the dramatic effect.

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now