26: D'arbi the Gambler

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We finally made it to Cairo... a huge step closer to DIO.

The closer we got, the more anxious my teamates were getting. But I couldn't lie, I was getting nervous too.

Just thinking that not all of us and maybe none of us would make it.

But the one person who stood out. Someone who throughout the trip was the most worried one of all. Sleepless nights, standing out a random hotel's balcony and smoking became a habit of his.


Although he tried to hide it, anybody could see that he was worried sick about his mother. After all, your mother is your best friend and one of the most, if not the most important  person in your life.

Endless nights I sat with him while he was sobbing in my arms. Telling him it would be alright. That we would make it, we would defeat DIO and everything would be back to normal.

But that was a lie, ofcourse.

Even if we did manage to defeat DIO and cure Holly, nothing would ever be back to normal.

God knows how many stand users DIO has hired. They would all go after us even after his death.

But even if stand users won't go after us, that those stand fights will stop, this trip will forever leave a scar, for all of us.

We will never let our guards down, knowing that anything could happen anytime.

And what's even worse is if only a few of us survived. We will carry the survivors guilt for the rest of our lives.

But we won't forget the happy moments of this trip.

Like meeting Polnareff, Anne, Iggy, confessing the feelings that I've been carrying for years to Jotaro, seeing him as a kid once again and many, many more.

"Greetings, what can I get for you?" The shop's owner asked, bringing me back to my senses.

"There's something we would like to ask." Mr. Joestar began. "Do you know where the building in the photo is located?" He then asked.

We're exhausted. We've been searching for the building in this picture from the time we've arrived.

"Excuse me sir, but this is a café. Can you please order something?" The man said, completely dodging our question.

"We'll get 5 iced teas" Joseph said holding up 5 fingers and Avdol payed.

The man brought us our iced teas and we quickly drank them.

"Hmm... I don't recognize that building." He said putting a finger on his chin.

Such a waste of time and money.

The other men we've asked didn't seem to recognize it either, so we decided we would leave.

That was until a man on the very back of the store spoke up.

"I know where that building is" He said, shuffling his cards.

We all turned around, looking at the man in shock.

"I'm rather familiar with it..." He continued shuffling his cards.

"Did you just say something? I bet I heard you say that you know where the building is." Mr. Joestsr told the guy.

"Indeed. I do know where that building is located." The man spoke once more.

"Finally, we've need searching for so long and we finally found someone." Polnareff exclaimed.

"Can you tell us where it is?" Mr. Joestar asked.

"Now, I could... but you wouldn't expect something out of nothing." He said with a cocky grin.

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now