14: The Lovers

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We found a carrage so we decided to use it to get to Pakistan.

"I'm hungry~" I said while holding my stomach.

"Don't worry, Y/n. We can stop here and take some kebabs" Joseph said.

The horses stopped and Joseph got out of the carrage and went to the salesman.

While they were babbling about the price, Enyaba woke up.

"Guys look, the old lady is up." I said while pointing at her.

"Why? Why did you come to take my soul?" She said and we all looked at her confused. She was looking at the salesman.

"Lord DIO trusts me, I would never betray him!" She said. She seemed scared, poor lady.

The man took off his coat (or whatever it's called idk).

"Lord DIO trusts no-one, not even you" He said.

A bunch of tentacles came out of her. "He planted a flesh bud on you, that's how DIO's flesh bud looks grown up" he said and we all looked shocked.

"How dare you kill her! She was one of you dumbass!" Polnareff said.

"Enyaba, tell us quickly, what is the secret of DIO's stand?" Joseph asked.

"Lord DIO... he trusts me, I can't say it" And with that, she died.

"Damnit, we were so close" I said.

The man sat down and took a sip of tea. He told is that his name is Steely Dan.

"My stand isn't powerful, but you can't hurt me-" Jotaro cut him off by punching him. At the same time, Joseph got punched too.

I quickly went to help him.

"Damn you brat, you didn't let me finish. I was gonna say that my stand, The Lovers, is inside that old man's brain. That means that if you hurt me, you will also hurt him, but he will suffer ten times more that me... hey kid, how about some cash to hit me with that broom of yours?" He said handing the kid some cash.

Almost immediately, the kid hit the man with the broom and Joseph held his leg in pain.

"You bastard..." Jotaro went up to him and grabbed him by the collar, holding him on the air. Joseph starts choking too.

"Jotaro stop! Do you want to kill your Grandpa?" I said trying my best to make him stop.

"I'm gonna kill this bastard so quickly he won't even be able to feel pain." He said dropping Dan to the ground.

"Jotaro stop it!" I yelled at him. "Look guys I have a plan".

I summoned my stand and it immediately started laughing, seducing Dan.

"If I can make him take his stand out of Joseph's brain then this will be over before we know it" I said.

The plan worked and the bud that was inside Joseph's brain immediately came out.

"You're so smart, Y/n. Alright now release him and let's leave" Joseph said.

"No. If I just release him he will put it in my brain and then I won't be able to take it out. Plus; I wanna have a little fun" I said.

Much to the others surprise, Dan started hitting himself, twisting his ankles and banging his head on the ground.

Non stand users looked at him like he was some crazy man.

His head started bleeding and he had multiple wounds.

"Y/n! I- I think you did enough. He didn't even do that much for you to kill him!" Kakyoin said.

I immediately released my spell the man layed the on the ground unconscious.

"Let's go guys, I'm exhausted." I said and we left to find a hotel.

We found a hotel not to far away and we booked some rooms.

I was once again rooming with Jotaro.

We entered the room and settled our stuff. Ofcurse Joseph got a room with one bed.

"The bed is big enough so we can share. Yare yare..." Jotaro said.

"Alright! I'm gonna go take a bath and it's probably gonna take me a long time soooo~ there might aswell not be any hot water for you" I grinned and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey, don't you dare- stop right there- yare yare daze..." He said.

"If you waste all the hot water you won't live to see the sunlight again!" I heard the teen delinquent say from the room.

I filled the bathtub with hot water and stripped. I entered and about an hour later I stepped out. I dried my self with a towel and just as I was about to put on some clothes I heard a loud bang on the door.

"Come on get out of there I've been waiting you for almost an hour!" Jotaro said from the other side of the door.

I stomped and opened the door with a towel wrapped around me.

"Just wait up already you're so impatient!" I said and re-enterd the bathroom.

2nd person POV:

The black haired teen felt his pants tight in the front. He just saw you with just a towel on and your clivage was showing!

Y/n's POV:

I got out of the bathroom again and Jotaro immediately entered without a word.

What's wrong with him? I didn't know that taking a little longer in the bathroom would make his mood drop that much...

Sone time later I heard the bathroom door open so I looked up from the book I was reading to see the most horrific and hot at the same time thing in my entire life.


Jotaro came out of the bathroom with only his boxers on.

"What? It's not like you're seeing me naked or something" He rolled his eyes.

"No, but I'm seeing you half naked. Put on some pants dude!" I said and turned away.

"No" He just said and continued to do whatever he was doing.

I decided to pay no mind to it and continue reading my book.

"It's 11pm aren't you gonna sleep? We have to wake up early tomorrow" He said out of the blue and made me jump a little.

"Yeah; you're right..." I said as I closed the lamp on my side.

I got under the sheets but Jotaro didn't. I didn't pay any mind to it because I thought he would come to bed by any second, after all he was the one that told me to sleep already.

I relaxed in the silence of the room and slowly drifted off to the dream world.

2nd person POV:

The delinquent watched the h/c teen sleep as he smiled to himself.

He didn't think he would catch feelings for her or any girl at all, but here he is, dreaming of the shorter/taller girl being with him in a happier, better life.

Just thinking about it made him excited for the future. Maybe you would return the same feelings and share your vows with him.

This is all he wanted so he promised to himself to protect you at all costs.

He moved near you and kissed your temple before getting on bed with you.


I kinda hate the lovers and Steely Dan so I made Y/n's stand useful for once.


Word count: 1195

Updated: 19/4/2023

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now