24: Sunflowers

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"The tomp of the great
Tutankhamun lies here." Avdol said.

"This place is full of history" Polnareff replied.

"Indeed, some people even dig beneath their houses in hopes of finding treasure." Avdol pointed at the houses after us.

"Where's the old man?" Jotaro asked.

"He's at the bathroom" I said.

"The bathroom?" Polnareff looked like he was debating something in his head.

"Do you need to go too?" I asked him.

"Only if it's a normal bathroom" Polnareff said still not letting go of his bathroom fetish.

Just then we saw Joseph on the ground but we told him we had to leave.

~Time skip~

We were at a café getting a drink.

"We could make it to Cairo in two days." Avdol said. "But we're all injured and exhausted. Why don't we go to luxor tonight and tomorrow?"

"He's right. Ever since we've gotten to Egypt, the enemies keep getting stronger and stronger." Polnareff said.

I noticed that Mr. Joestar has been looking a little off lately and I figured that something must be bothering him.

"Mr. Joestar, are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just my prosthetic hand has been acting up a little."

"If you say so..." I returned to the view, admiring it with Jotaro.

We left the little bar and headed straight for the hotel.

~Time skip~

We were outside of the hotel and Polnareff was emberassing us again by shouting for Mr. Joestar to get down.

I gotta admit tho, he was getting quite a good sleep for his age.

A few minutes later Avdol came outside and told us that we're gonna look for a place and Mr. Joestar will catch up.

Without letting the others know, Jotaro and I went off somewhere to spend some time alone.

"Finally some peace..." I said putting one hand on my forehead and and the other on my hip.

"Come on I saw this place earlier." Jotaro took my hand and dragged me somewhere.

After a couple minutes of walking, Jotaro led us from a tight alley and behind some buildings.

"Here it is." He said and pointed at the view infront of us.

Infront of us were fields of sunflowers.

They were huge from upclose but we couldn't get any closer to them.

"It's... beautiful." I said admiring the view.

"It reminded me of you, that's why I brought you here." He said still remaining with his stoic face. Besides, you could see the love behind those boy's eyes.

"I love you Jotaro." I said hugging his arm.

"I know." He said and kept looking forward.

I gave him a little kiss on the cheek and I layed my head on his shoulder.

We stayed like that for about 20 minutes until someone interrupted us.

"There you are! I was looking for you guys for about a good 40 minutes.!" Polnareff shouted.

Disappointed we couldn't enjoy the view anymore, we both got up and followed him out.

I was still hugging Jotaro's arm, but he didn't mind.

We were on a sidewalk waiting for the others in an unimaginable heat.

"I hope you're happy now, Polnareff. You ruined our moment." I said taking a drag out of the cigarette I was smoking.

"Hey it's not my fault you two are having sex behind a building rather than looking for Mr. Joestar and Avdol." Polnareff said.

"Hey, we weren't having sex! We just turned 18!" I said.

Polnareff was disgusting for even thinking that.

"They've probably sneaked away and are now eating a delicious meal!" He said.

"Yare yare daze" Jotaro said and then looked at me.

I was squatting beside Polnareff.

I know how much he wished we were still at the sunflower fields.

"He's probably just taking his time at the john. If they don't come back in one minute were gonna look for them" Jotaro said.

"You're right... besides the toilets here are spotless..."

A minute or two passed. Still nothing.

We saw some people running in one direction.

"What's going on? Why are they all running?" I asked.

"Someone has cut the rail line." We heard someone say.

"That's a pretty shifty thing to do. Ya know, I really think people like that will get what they deserve." Polnareff said not paying any attention to what could actually be going on, but Jotaro seemed a bit concerned.

Two more minutes passed.

"Whats takimg them so long? They are getting more than a woman needs to get dressed." Polnareff said.

"Um... Rude!" I sad pointing a finger at the air and putting my hand on my hip.

"It's past nine... they might have encountered an enemy." Jotaro said.

"You're right. We should go look for them." I said and we all went to look.

Little did we know tho... someone was watching us from far behind.


A/n: Hey yall! I told you I was gonna update this book more often! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned because a fight chapter is on the making!.

Words: 841
Updated: 26/11/2023

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now