7: Strength

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"Here, have some water. We've already sent our help signals, they should be here any minute." Joseph said.

"I don't really understand what's going on here... just... who the heck are you guys?" Anne asked.

"We're wizards and witch trying to capture little girls that ran away." I said trying my best to scare her.

"Witches and wizards don't exist." She said and I laughed.

"We're travelers like you. Just like you're looking for you're father, I'm trying to save my daughter." Joseph said.

Just then, Anne spilled her drink.

"Hey don't waste it like that!" Joseph said to her.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-no E-e-e-everyone l-l-l-look!" She stuttered.

She pointed at the sea and we turned. It was a HUGE boat. VERY huge.

'I don't like that boat, I don't think it's safe' I thought to myself.

"A ship! Were saved" Polnareff said.

Jotaro looked skeptical and Mr. Joestar noticed.

"Jotaro, what are you thinking about? Are you trying to think about the possibility of a stand user being on that boat?" Joseph asked.

"No. I'm trying to figure out why there weren't any people near by when the staircase lowered." He said.

"He has a point" I said.

"It's here to save us! "There are no people on board?" I'll still ride this ship even if everyone is a stand user!" Polnareff said.

Everyone got on board. Anne was still on the life boat.

"Here give me your hand, I'll help you out." Jotaro said.

Anne didn't listen and jumped on me while sticking her tongue out to Jotaro.

"Yare yare" He said and I giggled.


We searched the ship and no-one was in there.

"Maybe they're all taking a bump?" I said trying to sound funny but no-one laughed.

'Atleast I tried?'

"Guys look!" We heard Anne shouting.

"There's a monkey in the cage!" She said.

"It's an orangutan" Kakyoin said frightened.

"Who cares about a damn ape? Let's find who's been feeding it" Joseph said.

We didn't find anything down there so we went outside.

"AVDOL BEHIND YOU THAT TAILOR'S IN DANGER!" Joseph shouted, but it was too late.

The hook hooked the tailors head.

I quickly covered Anne's eyes. "That's not something a little girl should experience." I said.

"Nobody touched the controls but the hook still moved!" One of the sailors said.

"Carefull, there might be stand users here" Joseph said.

"Anne, you should go to the dock with the sailors." I said.

"But I want to stay with youuuu!" She frowned. I looked at Joseph and he nodded.

"Alright I'll come with you" I said with a sight. "Yayyyyyy" she said.

We walked there until we met that ape again. It pointed at the lock.

"You want me to open that lock for you?" Anne asked. "Anne, no" I murmured.

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now