15: The sun

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We were at a car store. Mr. Joestar bought a car while Polnareff was chatting with a woman and I was talking to Jotaro.

I was really bored so I decided to mess around a bit.

"Watch this" I told Jotaro.

"How could you do this to me, I thought you loved me Polnareff!"

Polnareff looked at me confused while the woman slapped him and left.

I did a mischievous laugh.

"Yare yare daze..."

"Y/N! You ruined my perfect plans!" Polnareff cried.

Mr. Joestar came and placed some files on Polnareff's head.

"Now's not the time to argue, come on guys we need to leave " Joseph said.

We all got out and got in the expensive car Joseph bought.

~Time skip~

We got on the camels Mr. Joestar traded with the car when he could've just bought a desert jeep or something.

"I feel like someone's watching us." Kakyoin said.

"Yeah, me too. Let's just continue and see what happens." I told him.

As we headed deeper into the dessert it stared getting hotter and hotter.

"When did it get so hot?" I asked.

The other men felt it too.

"What time is it, Jotaro?" I asked.

"It's... half past eight... old man what time is it on your phone?" Jotaro said.

"It's half past eight."

"I thing were in another stand attack." I said worried.

"Quick, hide behind those rocks!" Joseph said.

"The sun is a stand?" Polnareff couldn't belive his eyes. "We were careless... I didn't realize..." He added

"I felt someone watching us, but I couldn't see it" Kakyoin said.

"At this rate all day long, no, all night long, the stand is planning to boil us over night and kill us like octopuses." Polnareff said.

"No, it won't take that long" Joseph said. "It's dangerous to be in a sauna for more than 30 minutes" Joseph said.

"How can we fight it? Dammit it's now 70 degrees Celsius! I feel like I'm gonna collapse!" I said.

"The quickest way to settle this is to take out the user" Jotaro said while pulling me closer to him.

"The user... whoever it is it must be close..." I said while breathing heavily.

I notised that the camels started collapsing.

"Dammit, the camels..." I said.

"This isn't good" Jotaro said.

Kakyoin used Hierophant to look around.

He started counting but I couldn't listen. That's when I blacked out.

~Jotaro's POV~

The stand started shooting lava at us killing one of the camels.

"I'm putting a hole into the ground so everyone get in! Y/n, your stand can tell if there's someone here right? right? Maybe you cound make him stop?" I said but I didn't hear a response.

I looked at my left to see her eyes closed.

"Shit..." I said. I picked her up and carried her to the hole star made.

We all got into the hole.

"Are you okay, Kakyoin?" The old man asked.

"Yes, I was in the middle of using Emerald Splash. But... Jotaro... is Y/n ok?" He asked me.

"Yes... she's not dead so she must've passed out... maybe it's from the heat so she must be up in any second now." Jotaro said.

Everyone was thinking of possible ways to track the user or defeat the stand.

Just then, Kakyoin started laughing.

"OH NO! Kakyoin's gone crazy!" Jiji said.

That's when I notised... I started laughing too. This is so stupid.

"Jotaro, you too?" Just then Polnareff started laughing too.

"Everyone's gone crazy! What do I do?!"

Kakyoin explained to jiji that the rocks in each side were the same but he still didn't get it, that's how stupid he is.

I pushed him out of the way and got a rock.

I threw it and broke the mirror that was there and as soon as I did that it became night.

Just then, Y/n started steering awake.

"Y/n!" I said as I run up to her.

'Thank God she's awake' I thought to myself.

~Y/n's POV~

"Y/n!" I heard Jotaro say. He came closer to me.

"Jotaro..." I murmured loud enough for him to hear me.

"Drink some water" He said while giving me a canteen.

"What happened" I asked.

"You passed out due to the heat. We defeated the user, turns our that bastard used a mirror, so pathetic. But what matters now is that you're awake." He said.

I was so glad to hear that they defeated the stand and that there wasn't much struggle to do so that I had to be there for help.

I pulled Jotaro into a tight hug, him returning it.

We heard giggling common from behind as we turned to look at the source.

It was the guys laughing while Joseph was holding a polaroid.

"Ugh, not again!" I said.

"Bastard..." Jotaro said as he got up ready to kill that old fart, but I pulled his arm before he did so.

"Whatever, what are we gonna do now? We have four camels left and it's pretty late." I said.

"We'll find a hotel to stay. If we don't, we'll just camp here." Joseph said.

We got on our camels.

I had to share with Jotaro since mine apparently died while I lost consciousness.

I sat infront of him while he was holding the reins.

"Yare yare daze..."


Word count: 895

Updated: 24/4/2023

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now