Natzu - two hearts

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Seoul, South Korea. The rain poured against the windows of Tzuyu's office as she flipped through the file of a new patient. The name on the folder read "Im Nayeon." She was a young woman of twenty, sent here by her parents. Tzuyu took a moment to carefully examine her file before getting ready to welcome Nayeon.

Her eyes focused on Nayeon's photograph, showing a young woman with dark hair and deep eyes. There was an aura of sadness and distrust in Nayeon's expression that caught Tzuyu's attention. She was determined to do her best to help her.

The clock read 10:00 in the morning when the office bell rang, announcing the arrival of a new patient. Tzuyu rose from her desk and prepared to welcome Nayeon. When the door opened, Nayeon entered with a skeptical expression and lowered eyes.

"Welcome, Nayeon," Tzuyu said gently. "I'm Dr. Chou Tzuyu, your psychologist. Please, have a seat."

Nayeon sighed, seemingly torn between the desire to open up and the fear of doing so. She cautiously sat on the comfortable couch across from Tzuyu, but the tension was palpable in the air. Silence dominated the office as Tzuyu began to speak.

"Nayeon, I'm here to help you. Your parents told me that you've been going through difficult times lately. I want you to know that you can open up to me and share whatever you wish."

Nayeon seemed reluctant at first, her voice barely a whisper as she began to tell her story. The words were a chaotic flow of fears, doubts, and pain accumulated over time. Tzuyu listened attentively, without judging, noting every nuance of Nayeon's emotions.

With patience, Tzuyu encouraged her to delve deeper into her emotions, to face the demons that haunted her. During that first session, Nayeon slowly began to release a burden she had carried for too long. As she shared her experiences and fears, tears began to flow freely.

Tzuyu did nothing but listen and offer her unconditional support. At the end of the session, Nayeon seemed exhausted, but there was also a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Thank you, Tzuyu," Nayeon whispered with gratitude. "It's the first time I feel truly heard and understood."

Tzuyu smiled gently. "We're only at the beginning of our journey together, Nayeon. I'm here for you, to help you find the path to healing."

And so, in that first meeting in Tzuyu's office, the foundation of a relationship of trust and support had been established, leading Nayeon along a path of growth and healing.

One day, Tzuyu suggested taking a walk together in the park. It was a way for Nayeon to relax and change the scenery after intense sessions in the office. They entered the park, where nature was awakening with spring. Flowers were in bloom, and the scent of fresh grass filled the air.

As they walked along a path lined with blossoming trees, Nayeon observed the birds singing among the branches. It was a reassuring melody, and she began to feel more at ease with Tzuyu. She wondered what she would do without Tzuyu's support in that moment of her life.

During that walk, they shared stories of their childhood and dreams for the future. Tzuyu spoke of her roots in Taiwan, the challenges she faced when moving to Korea to pursue her career as a psychologist. Nayeon listened attentively, admiring Tzuyu's determination and strength.

Then it was Nayeon's turn. She spoke of how her parents had always wanted her to pursue a medical career, but her heart pushed her elsewhere. "I dream of becoming a writer," she said with a shy smile. "I've always loved writing stories and poems since I was a child."

Tzuyu smiled warmly. "Writing is a wonderful form of expression. What's stopping you from pursuing your dream?"

Nayeon lowered her gaze. "My parents' wishes. They've always told me that writing is not a secure career, that I should do something more 'practical.'"

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