Nasami - Under the cherry blossoms

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In the lively University of Seoul, a legend circulated. Mina and Sana, two extraordinarily beautiful Japanese girls, were known throughout the campus as the undisputed queens. Their grace and charisma made them the most popular, while their captivating appearance drew the attention of anyone who crossed their path. Admired by all, their hearts harbored a secret desire.

Nayeon, looking completely different from the other two, was a studious and diligent girl. She wore glasses and preferred books to parties. Considered the university nerd, she didn't have many friends. Despite her extraordinary intelligence, she was often ignored or even avoided.

What Mina and Sana had in common was a secret attraction to Nayeon. Every time they saw her in the library or in class, their hearts beat faster. However, neither of them had the courage to approach her. They were shy when it came to expressing their feelings, especially for someone who wasn't part of their circle of friends.

One day, everything changed. Mina and Sana coincidentally found themselves in the same class as Nayeon. It was their chance to get to know her better. They began sitting next to her and exchanging a few words. Nayeon was surprised but also flattered by the attention of the two most popular girls on campus.

As time passed, the three began to spend more and more time together. Nayeon turned out to be not only intelligent but also a kind and charming person. Mina and Sana found themselves increasingly attracted to her, but they were afraid to confess their feelings. Instead, they started competing for Nayeon's attention without her noticing.

Tensions grew between Mina and Sana as both tried to find ways to impress Nayeon. Jealous glances and hushed whispers in the hallways exchanged between them. It was clear that both were interested in Nayeon, but neither wanted to admit it.

Nayeon, unaware of the conflict growing between them, was confused. She liked spending time with both, but she didn't know what was happening between them. She felt at the center of a strange rivalry.

One day, during a shared study session, Mina and Sana finally exploded. They started a heated argument about who was the better choice for Nayeon. Words turned into tears and screams, and the entire campus seemed to witness this drama.

Fed up with their incessant quarrels, Nayeon decided to confront them. "Stop it!" she shouted firmly. "I don't want to be the reason for your fights. You both are special to me, but not like this."

Nayeon's words made Mina and Sana stop. They realized how foolish and immature they had been in their rivalry. They looked at each other and then at Nayeon with eyes filled with remorse.

Nayeon continued, "You don't have to fight over me. I'm lucky to have both of you as friends. I don't want this situation to drive us apart."

Mina and Sana hugged each other, finally putting aside their rivalry. They acknowledged that what they felt was love for Nayeon, but they didn't want their self-love to destroy their friendship.

The University of Seoul had witnessed many love stories and special friendships, but the story of Mina, Sana, and Nayeon was one of the most extraordinary. Three different souls, united by a bond that no one could break, had shown that love and friendship could blossom in the most unexpected ways.

None of them knew what the future held, but they knew that whatever happened, they would face it together.

Weeks and months passed, and the bond between the three deepened. They spent time studying, laughing, and supporting each other. Mina and Sana finally found the courage to confess their feelings to Nayeon, fearing her reaction.

Nayeon, surprised but happy, realized she felt the same way for both of them. She didn't want to choose between the two because each had given her something precious.

One day, while walking on campus under the blooming cherry blossoms, Mina took Nayeon's hand. "Nayeon," she said gently, "we have something to tell you."

Sana nodded, looking affectionately at Nayeon. "We're in love with you, both of us," she added.

Nayeon stopped, her eyes teary. "I... I feel something special for both of you," she admitted with a trembling voice.

The three girls looked at each other intensely. In that moment, they realized their love was deep and sincere. Without saying a word, Mina, Sana, and Nayeon hugged, sealing their love in a tender embrace under the cherry blossoms.

From that day on, Mina, Sana, and Nayeon formed a unique and loving relationship. Their story showed that love could flourish among anyone, regardless of appearances or popularity. They were three kindred souls who had found happiness together at the University of Seoul, under the cherry blossoms that bloomed every spring.

Over the months, Mina, Sana, and Nayeon shared unforgettable moments together. They explored the city of Seoul hand in hand, visited museums, tasted delicious foods in local restaurants, and danced under the stars on summer nights. Each day brought new adventures, and their love grew stronger.

The news of their relationship did not go unnoticed within the university. Initially, some people were surprised, but most of their friends and acquaintances supported and accepted them affectionately. The happiness of the three girls was evident to anyone who met them, and that mattered more than any prejudice.

Mina, Sana, and Nayeon learned to navigate the ups and downs of a three-way relationship. They had open and honest conversations, always prioritizing mutual respect. Their relationship had transformed into a deep love based on trust, understanding, and passion.

One day, during a romantic mountain hike, Mina, Sana, and Nayeon reached the summit and sat in a circle. They looked at the breathtaking panorama of Seoul below them and exchanged affectionate glances.

"Mina, Sana," Nayeon began with a smile, "I don't know what I would have done without you in my life. You've entered my heart in such a special way, and I never want to lose you."

Mina took Sana's hand and then Nayeon's hand. "We don't want to lose you either, Nayeon," she said affectionately. "We're a team, no matter what the future holds."

Sana nodded. "Seoul is our refuge in this world full of prejudices. Together, we can face anything."

That day on top of the mountain became a symbolic moment in their relationship. They realized that their love was so strong that it could overcome any challenge. They were ready to face the world together, to overcome any obstacle that would come their way.

And so, their story became legendary not only within the University of Seoul but also among their friends and family. Mina, Sana, and Nayeon demonstrated that love, friendship, and courage could overcome any barrier. Their story inspired others to follow their hearts and embrace diversity.

Mina, Sana, and Nayeon had found love and happiness in each other's arms, in a bond that couldn't be broken. They lived each day as an adventure, knowing that their love was the most precious thing they had ever had. And so, under the cherry blossoms of Seoul, they continued their unique and extraordinary love story, ready to share the rest of their lives together.


I don't know why but I think I like the pairing of Nayeon the "nerd" and Misana the popular girls. I hope you liked it too hahaha

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