11 This is More than a Dream

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P.O.V Allyson

Every few minutes a dim light would flash bringing a brief moment of light to the confined room. and the world's most uncomfortable chair ever made. I mean why would they build metal chairs and who uses them. You know what they are made for this precise moment, to make moments like this more intimidating. Only I don't feel intimidated or scared, this is not how this is supposed to even go. Here comes the whispering. I know the voice I just can't place it, Allyson, Allyson...Alllllllyyyyyyyssssssssssoooooooooonnnnnn. I got up and walked outside the only door in the room, considering I didn't have much control over my actions anyways. The door led to an even darker hallway, my name continued to echo off the walls. I continued down the hall following the same voice from earlier and continued calling my name. I knew what I would find at the end of the hall. I tried to prepare myself for what I was about to see, I tried to seal my eyes shut only to fail as I couldn't control my body. I watched as my hand slowly reached up and turned the knob. The door then swung open.

Inside was a dark bloody mess, a man stood in the middle of the room and his back faced me. A body lied to the left of the man, the body oddly resembled William, and my heart began to race really fast. I knew he would be okay but nothing about this place was ever okay. The man was no longer in the middle of the room; I spun around expecting him to appear behind me. There was a tap on my shoulder, it was him. And then something new happened. Williams voice broke into my dream, "Allyson wake up it's just a dream come on Ally. Come on."

P.O.V William

Ally didn't come down for dinner so I decided to bring her some which was Chicken Alfredo. Inside our room I found her passed out biting her lip so hard that it was starting to bleed. I dropped the food and ran shaking her awake, "Allyson wake up it's just a dream common Ally. Common." She didn't move or release her lip. So I ran to the bathroom and got a cup of water. I was about to pour it on her when her eyes snapped open, "William." She almost shouted at me.

She sat up "Please tell me you weren't going to pour that on me."

I shook my head and drank some of the water, "No, why would I waste perfectly good water on you?"
She laughed and chucked a pillow at me. "Why are we having those horrible dreams again?"

I ran my hand through my hair and kicked up the pillow she chucked at me. "I really wish I knew Ally." I pointed to my lip, "You're bleeding."

She sighed and walked to the bathroom. I followed her to the door. She held her own gaze in the mirror as she cleaned away the blood with a tissue. You would think she would freak out, but I guess she was finally used to it. It was like the nightmare consumed us and we just can't get away. We've been having them since we were 8 and they stopped about two years ago. When I was little I thought we had them because I had found out my destiny and hers way before I should have. I learned later that wasn't the case. Because when Alaric brought me here for the first time Markus told me that in the past I found out earlier. Not that I get to remember, only Allyson can unlock those memories. Even though she doesn't know that and frankly I don't even want to know.

Her lip was done bleeding, when you looked at her you couldn't even tell that it had been cut. I'm certain that it was because her teeth pierced mostly the inside. She watched me through the mirror, so I watched her back. Even with the distressed look in her eyes she was beautiful; I gave myself a mental shake. You are not allowed to think of her like that, I told myself. "You're next," she said. Ally was right it always switched one night it was me the next her, never at the same time.

After Ally got settled in bed I went into the bathroom to shower and change into comfortable clothes even though I had no intention of sleeping. Quietly I snuck out of our room and made my way outside into the back yard. The night was breezy and damp. I made my way to the hammock and laid my head on a fluffy pillow that began to wag her tail happily to be chosen as my pillow. She snuggled closer and got comfortable. I was drifting close to sleep when Jen sat down next to me on the hammock.

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