Chapter 16

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[Anna and Rose are huddled around a table.]
Rose: So you're saying this weapon You Know-Who's after is in the Department of Mysteries?
Anna: It's got to be.
"For once don't get involved! Just let the chicken order handle it!" Said Barty.
"It's Phoenix Order." Corrected James with a scrowl. Barty rolled his eyes.
Rose: That's got to be what Surgis Podmore was doing in the Ministry when he was arrested.
Anna: Probably. Mr. Weasley was probably there when he was attacked, too. That must be what the Order's guarding!
Rose: It makes sense. It's got to be something the Ministry's been developing. Something top secret.
"Leave it alone!" Said Lily.
[Anna nods in agreement. Rose picks up a copy of the Daily Prophet grimly.]
Rose: Look at this. There's been a mass escape from Azkaban. [Anna stares at the front page picture of ten witches and wizards.]
"Fuck." Said Remus.
Rose: Bloody hell! They're all Death Eaters! [Anna grits her teeth.]
Anna: Voldemort.
[Rose and Anna are sitting in a booth with Luna and Rita Skeeter, a reporter.]
Rita: So are you gonna tell me why am i here or not?
"What are they doing with Rita?" Asked Sirius.
"Do you think she will publish about Umbridge's secret?" Asked Lily.
"No. It would be waste of blackmail. She will save it and use it when nessesery like a true Slytherin!" Said Barty.
"She is a Griffindor!" Said James.
"That's what she wants you to believe." Said Barty.
"Hat put her in Gryffindor!" Said Sirius.
"By her request! She is such a great Slytherin that she coviced hat to put her in Gryffindor!" Said Barty.
"She was put into Gryffindor, because she is a Gryffindor!" Said James.
"Mhm. Sure." Said Barty. James and Sirius glare at smirking Barty.
"She is brave and nobel! She is Gryffindor!" Said Sirius.
"She is cunning and ambitious! She is Slytherin!" Said Barty. They glare at each other.
Rose: With all of the negative press out about Anna, she should have a chance to defend herself. All of the details. What happened last summer. The truth about Sirius Black and Voldemort, not to mention the names of all the Death Eaters (pause) still on the loose. [Rita leans across the table.]
"Good idea." Said Lily.
"The Prophet won't publish." Said Sirius and James nodded.
Rita: The Prophet will never publish that. Goes against the public mood.
Anna: Well, it doesn't matter. We've found a publisher for the article.
Rita: Who? [Luna looks away from the window.]
Luna: My father. He's editor of the Quibbler. [Rita laughs out loud.]
Rita: The Quibbler? (to Anna) You think people will take you seriously if you're published in the Quibbler? It's nothing but a conspiracy theory, cock-and-bull story tabloid!
"If they have another side of the story, there will be more who will believe. Even if it's few people." Said Remus.
Rose: Some won't believe Anna, that's true, but every person we do convice is one more ally. [Rita shrugs, and pulls her quill from her bag.]
Rose: So, Anna. Ready to tell the public the truth?
Anna: Yeah, I guess so. [Rose sits back and sips her drink.]
Rose: Fire away, Rita.
[The snow on the ground has melted. The sky is clear and the sun shines brightly. Spring has come.]
"Already?" Said Evan.
[Anna ans Rose sit at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast. An owl drops a letter on Anna's plate. Rose opens it and pulls out a copy of the Quibbler. Anna's smiling face grins at them from the front cover.]
Rose: Look, Anna! It's your article! [Then, a dozen more owls drop letters on Anna. She covers her head as their rain around her. Rose beams at her.]
Rose: Fan mail, Anna! Responses to the article.
"It worked!" Cheers Marauders+Barty.
Umbridge: Which article is that, dear? [Umbridge had appeared at their table, smiling toad-like.]
Anna: I have just published an article telling the real story about what happened last June. [Umbridge instantly turns an ugly shade of purple in her rage.]
Umbridge: Where is this article? [Rose hands her the Quibbler.]
Umbridge: Right, I will confiscate this. Anyone found in possession of this magazine will be expelled.
"Ugly toad!" Said James.
"Don't insult toads, James!" Said Remus.
[She stalks off. Rose and Anna giggle in triumph.]
Anna: She's so stupid! She's done it to herself.
Rose: Yeah, Everyone knows banning the article will only make people want to read it more!
Gryffindors cheer.
[Anna stands before the D.A. again.]
Anna: We've been doing so well, I thought we'd work on some defensive blocking spells tonight. [Later, Wands wave and spells fly through through the students. Anna is watching them.]
Anna: That was really good. [With a CRACK, Dobby appears.]
Dobby: Ms. Anna Potter! [He looks absolutely frantic. Anna turns to him.]
"He looks panicked." Said Lily.
"Why is he panicked?" Said James.
Anna: What is it, Dobby? [The House-Elf has gone quiet, clamping his hands over his mouth.]
Dobbie: She-- [He stopped, terrified.]
Anna: Who, Dobby? [Dobby shakes his head.]
Anna: Is it Umbridge? [Dobby nods. Anna looks up, horrified. Dobby forces his arms down and takes a breath.]
Dobby: She knows, Anna Potter. She's coming! [Anna opens the door with a wave of her wand.]
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Said Barty.
"They need to run!" Said James.
Anna: Get out of here! Now! [There is a mad rush to the door. Anna ushers them all out safely, and exits.]
[Anna pelts up a hallway. She is hit in the back with a spell and falls to the ground. Goyle leaps from behind a statue.]
Everyone glares at Goyle.
Umbridge: It's her. Well done, Goyle! (to Anna) On your feet, Potter. We're going to see the Headmaster! [She turns to Crabbe.]
Umbridge: Search everywhere for the others, Goyle. Round them all up. Check everywhere, bathrooms, the library, empty classrooms. We must find them! [Goyle nods and hurries off.]
Everyone glares at Umbitch.
[Umbridge shoves Anna into Dumbledore's office, which is filled with people. McGonagall, Cornelius Fudge, Kingsley Shacklebolt, another Auror, and Percy Weasley.]
"All this for study group?" Said Evan.
"Fudge already believed they were making army and now he has evidence." Said Regulus.
Dumbledore: You may be High Inquisitor of this school, Professor Umbridge, but kindly do not manhandle my students. [Fudge looks pleased. He claps his hands and rubs them excitedly.]
Fudge: Well, well, well, Ms. Potter! I expect you know why you're here? [Anna glances at Dumbledore. The Headmaster shakes his head, ever so slightly.]
Anna: Not really, no.
Fudge: You don't? You haven't broken any school rules?
Anna: Hmm... No. No, i don't remember anything like that.
Fudge: Or Ministerial Decrees?
Anna: Not that I know of. [Umbridge opens the door again, leading Marietta, Cho's friend, into the room. She has been crying, and her face is covered in pimples forming the word "SNEAK."]
"Good one." Said James.
Umbridge: I'm afraid the poor girl is unable to speak. But I shall tell you what has transpired. (pause) Shortly after dinner she came to me and said that if I went to the Room of Requirement I would find an illegally-formed student group. (pause) It was at that time that this hex took affect. [She gestures to Marietta's face.]
Umbridge: Since I had received information some time ago that Potter and a number of other students had met in the Hog's Head to start an illegal group--
Dumbledore: I'm not sure that's true, Professor.
Umbridge: I'm sorry?
"It wasn't illegal that time." Said Lucius.
Dumbledore: In point of fact, when young Potter met those students, it was not illegal.
Umbridge: But two days later, Educational Decree Twenty-Four was introduced.
Dumbledore: Again, quite correct. However, I wonder if you have any evidence that proves this group has been meeting since then?
Umbridge: I have a witness right here!
"Who can't speak" pointed out James.
Dumbledore: Correct again. I must confess that I was, however, under the impression that this young girl only told you a meeting was going on tonight.
Umbridge: Let's ask her, shall we? [She turns to Marietta, who is staring at the wall.]
Umbridge: You can shake your head for an answer, dear. Now, have there been more meetings? [Slowly, still staring at the wall, Marietta shakes her head.]
"She isn't a snitch." Smiled Lily.
Umbridge: What do you mean by shaking your head, girl?
Dumbledore: I would think that she was saying there have been no other meetings. Would that be correct? [She nods.]
Umbridge: But what about Potter? She was leader, and has been-- [To Umbridge's astonishment, Marietta is shaking her head yet again.]
Umbridge: Why are you shaking your head, girl?
McGonagall: It usually means 'no, Dolores. [Umbridge grabs Marietta by the cloak and shakes her roughly.]
People glare at her.
[Dumbledore stands, and there is anger in his voice. He draws his wand and points it at Umbridge.]
Dumbledore: Again, I cannot have you manhandling my students, Professor Umbridge. [She laughs, softly, and lets Marietta go.]
Umbridge: My apologies, Headmaster. I forgot myself.
"No. You just showed yourself." Said Sirius.
"Why is minister or auror's not saying anything about this?!" Said Remus.
Fudge: Well, what about the meeting tonight?
Umbridge: Right. Of course. Well, we proceeded down to the Room and entered. (pause) We caught Potter just outside. But it doesn't matter. We've found all of their names. [She pulls the roster list Rose had made up from her pocket. Anna gaps at it in horror. Fudge gapes at it as well. He snatches it out of Umbridge's hands. He looks up, an expression of twisted delight on his face.]
Fudge: So, Dumbledore, you've been behind this whole thing. [He hands the paper to Dumbledore, who looks at it. He seems suddenly at a loss for words.]
Fudge: (harsh whisper) Dumbledore's Army. [Dumbledore smiles pleasantly and spreads his hands widely.]
Dumbledore: Well, Minister. You've caught me.
Fudge: This has all been your doing! You've been recruiting students for your army!
"People will always hear what they want to hear." Said Narcissa.
Dumbledore: Quite correct, Cornelius.
Fudge: I knew it! I knew it! You've been plotting against me all this time!
Dumbledore: (pleasantly) That's right.
Fudge: This is too good to be true!
[Anna turns to Dumbledore in horror, but doesn't say anything.]
"Good. Keep quiet." Said Barty.
Fudge: So, you'll be coming with us to the Ministry--
Dumbledore: Ah, yes. I was wondering when we'd hit that little snag.
Fudge: I see no snag, Dumbledore.
Dumbledore: But I do. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I would 'come quietly.'
Fudge: Resisting arrest, now are you, Dumbledore?
"They can't arrest, Dumbledore. I'm no big fan of him after all this, but he  is needed for war. Even if i don't agree how he does it, he is the only one who knows how to do it." Said James.
Dumbledore: Precisely. You see, I have absolutely no intention of going to Azkaban. [The Auror next to Kingsley slowly moves his hand towards his pocket.]
Dumbledore: Don't be silly, Hawkes. Leave the wand there. [The man stops.]
Fudge: You would really take on two Aurors, Dolores, and myself, Dumbledore?
"He can." Said Regulus.
Dumbledore: Naturally. All of you did rather well on your spellwork at this school, but if you attempt to take me in by force, I'm afraid I shall have to hurt you. [In one motion, all of them draw their wands. Anna dives for cover. Dumbledore is fastest. There is an instant of blinding light as apella blast in all directions. A spell strikes
Dumbledore's desk with a bang, and explodes. Dust fills the room. There is a shout and some scuffling of feet, another bang, and silence. Anna blinks and stands as the dust settles. Dumbledore hasn't moved. Fudge, the Auror, Dolores, Kingsley, and Percy are all laying on the floor, unconscious.]
"Wow." Said Sirius.
[Dumbledore's desk has been broken in half, and all of the tables overturned. He moves swiftly to McGonagall, Anna, and Marietta.]
Dumbledore: Are you all right? [McGonagall is standing, dusting herself off.]
Anna: That was so cool!
Barty agreed, even through he hates Dumbledore.
McGonagall: Yes, we're fine. (pause) oh, where will you go, Albus?
Dumbledore: I'm not going into hiding. Fudge will soon regret removing me from Hogwarts. [Anna moves to Dumbledore's side.]
Anna: I'm so sorry, Professor! [Dumbledore smiles at her.]
Dumbledore: It's fine. Now listen to me, Anna. Keep studying Occlumency! Do everything Professor Snape tells you. [He grips Anna's shoulder.]
"No. Don't do everything Snivellus tells you!" Said James and Sirius together. Lily gave them dissaproving look.
Dumbledore: Close your mind! You will understand, in time. [Fudge is stirring.]
Dumbledore: Lay back down. They must not think we have had time to talk. [They do so. He moves to Pawkes.. Fudge opens his eyes. Dumbledore grabs onto Fawkes' tail, and the two vanish in a blast of fire.]
Fudge: Find him! [Umbridge, Percy, Kingsley, the auror, and Fudge race from the office. McGonagall ushers Anna and Marietta out of the office.]
"Slytherins weren't caugh." Said Regulus.
"What?" Asked Evan.
"Anna made Slytherins sign on her document. The one which hadn't been found. Slytherins got out of it." Said Regulus. Barty smirked.

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