Chapter 15

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[Anna wanders into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. Sirius enters.]
Sirius: Anna, have you seen Kreacher? I haven't seen him for days now.
Anna: Haven't seen him.
Sirius: Oh well. Maybe he's crawled up into the air ducts and died... mustn't get my hopes up though.
Regulus glares at Sirius.
[The back door is shoved open and Snape enters.]
Snape: Potter, excellent. I'd like a word. [He marches over to the table and sits.]
Snape: Sit, Potter.
"Don't give my daughter orders, Snivellus!" Said James. Lily smacked him.
Sirius: You know, I don't like people giving orders in my house.
"Agree with future me." Said Sirius.
Snape: How unfortunate for you. Now kindly get out. My instructions from Dumbledore are to talk with Potter alone.
Sirius: I'm her godfather. I think I'll stay. [Snape curls his lip in anger but keeps quiet.]
Snape: Very well, then. I know how you like to pretend you're useful. [Sirius stiffens, but ignores the jab.]
Gryffindors glare at him.
"Bastard! Who he thinks he is?!" Said angry James.
Anna: Don't talk to him like that! He's more useful than bully professor who hates child, because of a school rival who died 14 years ago! Seriously, man, get over it! It's pathetic already!
James and Sirius look at girl with huge pride.
"She is my daughter, Pads." Said James.
"And my goddaughter." Said Sirius.
[Snape glares at her, Sirius smirks proudly.]
Snape: It is the Headmaster's wish that I teach you Occlumency, Potter.
Anna: What? No. Not you. I don't want you in my head.
"I agree." Said Gryffindors(even Lily) and Barty.
Snape: (pause) Trust me, I take as much joy in it as you, Potter. We begin at six-o-clock on Monday. [Snape stands.]
Snape: Well, unlike Sirius here, I don't have unlimited leisure time.
Anna: (mutters) Don't hex him! Don't hex him! Don't hex him!
"Hex him! Hex him! Hex him!" Cheered immature trio and got smacked by their lovers.
Sirius: Just a second, Snape. If I hear that you're using this to give Anna a hard time, you'll have me to answer to.
James and Lily smile at Sirius
[Anna smiles. Snape sneers again.]
Snape: How touching. Yet Potter is incredibly like her father. Criticism simply bounces off of her.
"How dare you talk about my daughter like that?!" Said angry James.
[Sirius stands and grabs Snape by the shoulders and roughly shoves him into the wall. He glares at Snape.]
Sirius: I've warned you, Snivellus. Dumbledore may think you've reformed, but I know better...
Anna: (Yells) You two idiots stop fighting like children! Now! Snape, Shut the hell up and stop insulting my uncle!
James and Sirius are proud.
[Snape glares at her and is about to say something when Anna continues.]
Anna: And Uncle Pads stop letting him provoke you! Merlin! You are supposed to be adults here! [Anna rushes out of room. Sirius lets Snape go and goes after Anna.]
"She is right." Agreed Lily.
[Theo brings Cassie in bedroom.]
Theo: Cassie, please tell me you had nothing to do with it.
Cassie: What are you talking about?
Theo: Don't play with me.
Cassie: He was hurting you and It happened multiple times, too many times. I saw it, when i was in your head, Theo! I saw what he did to you, Theo!
Slytherins look at Cassie and Theo empatherically.
Cassie: Before that day i didn't think about it much, but now i remember how you sometimes flinched when someone touched you and how closed off you became after hollidays and how paled and weak you looked after coming back to school. How you said you heard boy screaming when dementor made you uncontious. I don't know how i was so blind to not notice so many clues before, but now i notice, i couldn't let him continue!
Theo: You... you took life for me?
Cassie: World is better without him. And Theo, biological or not, you're my brother, my family and i protect my family no matter what. [Theo hugged her.]
Lucius smiled at that.
"Don't encourage this, Lucius! Our daughter won't kill people." Said Narcissa.
"Even if they deserved it?" Asked Regulus.
"Even if they deserved it." Said Narcissa.
Theo: Thank you.
Cassie: Always and Forever.
Theo: Always and Forever. [They parted away and Theo lookes panicked.]
Theo: They-they will know he was poisoned. You...
Everyone is worried, excpecially Cassie's parents.
Cassie: They won't. Look at this. [Cassie took out vile and gave it to Theo.]
Theo: Potion for cold?
Cassie: Yes, it can cure cold in minutes, but if it's mixed in alcohol, it causes heart attack and it's untraceable. It'll look like natural heartattack.
Theo: How would you know?
Cassie: (smirking) My father's aunt's portrait loves to brag.
"Lucius! It's all Astrid's fault! You will get ride of her portrait!" Said Narcissa.
"I won't get ride of aunt Astrid!" Said Lucius.
"Than take her in your cabinet or anywhere else Cassie can't get in!" Said Narcissa.
[They are silent for a while.]
Theo: Now he is gone, where i will go?
Cassie: Mom already loves you and Blair as her own and even if dad doesn't admit it, he cares about you, too. Also you don't have any close relatives and dad is your godfather so it'll be easy to adopt you. We'll be siblings. Legally!
Theo: You really thought about everything, didn't you?
Cassie: Of course. I also thought that if you'll be my brother, Blair will be my sister-in-law. [Theo hits her arm, Cassie laughed.]
"How can she act like this after she killed someone?!" Said James. Sirius has greamy look on his face.
"He deserved it!" Said Sirius.
[We sail through another snowstorm back to Hogwarts, passing the grounds and sliding through an open window.]
[Anna makes her way along the hallway.]
"Back to Hogwarts then." Said Remus.
[Anna enters Snape's office. Snape sits behind his desk, next to a pensive.]
Snape: Sit, Potter. [Anna does so.]
Snape: As you are well aware, I will be teaching you Occlumency. The headmaster feels you should learn this form of magic to defend yourself against the Dark Lord, who is skilled at Legilimency. For Legilimency to work eye contact is important, but in your case, however, things are somewhat different. Your scar has forged a connection between you and the Dark Lord. (pause) When your mind is most relaxed, such as during sleep, you receive. the Dark Lord's thoughts and feelings. The Headmaster believes that it is inadvisable for this to continue.
"I don't want dark lord in my daughter's head!" Said Lily.
Anna: But hasn't it helped so far? I mean, it saved Mr. Weasley's life, didn't it?
"You are closing connection, young lady!" Said Lily.
Snape: Yes, it did, but at the expense of our advantage. The connection between you was so powerful during your vision of the snake that the Dark Lord became aware of it. The Headmaster fears that he may try to use this to his advantage, to manipulate you through false visions. [Snape stands and pulls out his wand. Anna flinches, ever so slightly. But Snape merely puts it to her head and draws a glowing string of memory from her head and drops it into the Pensive.]
Snape: Wand out, Potter. [Anna draws her wand.]
Snape: You may use any spell you can think of to try and repel me.
Snape: I am going to break into your mind. (pause) Legimens! [The spell hits Anna, who staggers backward, grimacing.]
[Anna clings to a tree branch as the dog Ripper barks at her from the ground. The Dursleys laugh as they stand in the driveway.]
Rosekiller and Gryffindors glare at Dursleys.
[Anna sits under the sorting hat.]
[Anna stands over Sirius, a patronus hovering over him as hundreds of dementors swarm overhead.]
[Anna's face is contorted with rage.]
Anna: NO! [A spell fires from her wand. Snape dodges it. Gasping, Anna falls to her knees.]
Snape: Well, you stopped me eventually. Ideally, you should repel me with your mind. [Anna climbs to her feet.]
Snape: Clear your mind, Potter. Abandon your emotions. Legilimens! [Anna staggers again.]
"How does she abandone emotions?" Said James.
[Uncle Vernon nails the letterbox closed...]
[Anna skids to a stop and looks down a dark hallway. Mr. Weasley stops as well, and glances back at Anna.]
Mr. Weasley: Come on, Anna!
Anna: I've been there before... [Mr. Weasley looks nervous, then grabs Anna's robes her along.]
Mr. Weasley: Now, Anna, I find that highly unlikely...
[Snape lowers his wand, breaking the spell.]
Snape: What was that? [Anna looks stunned.]
Anna: I've just realized... [Snape is staring at her, agitated.]
Snape: Realized what, Potter?
"Watch the tone!" Said James.
[Anna looks at Snape suddenly.]
Anna: What's in the Department of Mysteries, sir? [There is a stunned silence. Snape regards Anna with suspicion.]
Snape: What did you say?
Anna: That corridor, I've been dreaming about it for months... it leads to the Department of Mysteries, I'm sure of it. [Snape comes around the desk. He is deathly quiet, always a bad sign.]
Snape: There are many things in the Department of Mysteries, Potter, none of which concern you.
"I doubt it." Said Barty.
[There is a horrifying scream that echoes through the castle. Snape and Anna stare at the ceiling. Snape glances at Anna, then hefts his wand and sweeps from the office. Anna follows.]
"What's happening?" Said Lily.
"Who is screaming?" Said Evan.
[There is a huge crowd of students standing at the top of the stairs leading down into the entry hall. There is another unearthly wail. Anna pushes her way through the crowd until she can see. Trelawney stands at the bottom of the stairs, looking crazed and turning in circles, her wand out and clutched in her hand.]
Trelawney: (shrieking) You cannot sack me!
"She is expelled." Said Remus.
Umbridge: I can do whatever I wish!
Trelawney: This is my home! [Umbridge is grinning evilly.]
Umbridge: Not anymore. [She points at the door with a stubby finger.]
Umbridge: Now remove yourself from this castle!
Gryffindors look at Trrlawney with pity.
"She could at least, not do it in front of students!" Said Lily.
Dumbledore: She will not be leaving. [Behind Umbridge, the crowd parts slowly, and Dumbledore moves down the steps.]
Umbridge: I have the authority, Headmaster!
Dumbledore: Oh, I agree with you, Professor Umbridge. You do have the power to dismiss my teachers. However... [He looks at Trelawney, who stands alone in the entry hall, smiling at Dumbledore through her tears.]
Dumbledore: You cannot send them from this castle. That is still my decision. Professor Trelawney will remain here.
"He has his moments." Amitted James.
[Umbridge turns to him, furious.]
Umbridge: And what of her quarters when I appoint a new teacher.
Dumbledore: Happily, that will not be necessary. I have found a successor for good Professor Trelawney already. As you know... [Umbridge is looking mutinous.]
Dumbledore: ...the Ministry can only appoint new teachers if I cannot find one. I think you will find him suitable enough. [The great oaken doors leading to the grounds swing open, revealing an ebony-skinned centaur. It is Firenze, who saved Anna in her first year.]
Dumbledore: This is Firenze.
[Umbridge is thunderstruck.]


*I use both Canna and Cassanna as ship name for Cassiopeia and Anna. You can use whichever you like more.*

Anna Potter and the order of the phoenixWhere stories live. Discover now