Chapter 12: Before LA

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.•*•.•*•.•*•. Before LA .•*•.•*•.•*•.

‼️Warning: TW‼️
Cut and blood

I woke up to my phone buzzing. It was Matt. I picked up and said hi.

"Hey Lily. Good morning. How are you?"

"I'm good wbu?"

"I'm good. Do you wanna come over?"

"Uh duh." I say then we both laugh.

"Alright I'll see you soon."

"K see ya." We hung up and I soon left to go to the triplets. I got to their house, parked my car and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and Chris opened the door.

"Hey Lily! Good morning."

"Morning." We walked through the door and the living room to the kitchen where the other two triplets were while making small talk. Once we get into the kitchen all four of us start making plans for our trip.

"So we HAVE to go to universal." Chris said.


"Also we should go bowling." Matt says.

"Yeah!" I say.

We then decide to go outside and go to the park nearby. In order to get to the park we have to go down a hill with a bunch of rocks. On our way I trip and scrape my knee on a rock and now am gushing blood. Immediately Matt and Chris run to me and start to try and make sure I'm ok. I'm close to tears when Chris gives me a kiss on the forehead telling me it will be ok. While Matt is looking at the cut he notices he can slightly see the bone meaning the cut was deep. Chris took off his shirt and had Matt put it around my knee so the bleeding will slow. Meanwhile Nic is panicking about 3 feet away from me. Matt picks me up and carries me bridal style. We headed back home and when we walked into the house Chris calls for their mother. Matt sets me down on the counter and when Marry Lou comes he is telling her what happened. I now have a tear running down my face and Chris wipes it off and holds my hand.

"Ok we're gunna take you to the hospital you might have to get one or two stitches." Mary Lou says. I look up at Chris worried.

"It's gunna be ok luv" Chris says while holding my cheek. We head to the hospital and wait for about 20 min. Then the doctors take us back and tell us that one person can come with me while they do some stitches. "Can I go?" Chris asks and they all agree and me and Chris head to the back along with the nurse. They give me two stitches and send me on my way. On our way out Matt insists to carry me so he does. When we get back we all decide to just watch a movie and chill.

Halfway through the movie Maddie calls us and asks if she could come hangout with us. She heads over and when she walks in she yells, "what happened?" I explained to her and so we decided to finish the movie then play some games. We decide to film us playing whose the triplet for the triplets YouTube channel. Once we were done with that Maddie Matt Chris and I headed to target while Nic took a nap. We were planning on pranking him for a video. We were going to act like a bird flew into the house since he is terrified of birds. We went into the store, grabbed the fake bird and headed out.

When we got back we set up the prank and started to act like there was a bird in the house. Nic freaked out and we all were acting our asses off. We then convinced Nic to help us get it outside so I volunteered to hold the bird. I got up on the counter and almost fell once so Matt came up behind me and help my waist so I wouldn't fall. I got so many butterflies. I then grabbed the fake bird and handed to Matt to put outside. When he got close to Nic he threw the fake bird at him. We all started laughing our asses off. It was hilarious. Matt and Chris started to chase Nic around with the bird. Me and Maddie fell to the ground laughing. Soon we all settled down and Maddie had to leave. Soon after I went home as well. On my way out Matt gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then Chris gave me a hug as well along with a kiss on the forehead. Then Nic hugged me and we all said goodbye.

I got home and laid in my bed. My leg was throbbing so I took some ibuprofen and went to bed.

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