Chapter 7: Meeting The Parents

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.•*•.•*•. Meeting The Parents .•*•.•*•.

When I wake up I'm still in Chris's arms. I'm laying in between his legs and my head is on his chest. My stomach is downwards and my hands are holding his shoulders from the back. When he notices I woke up he kissed my forehead and told me good morning. He raised my chin up so I was looking at him.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked playfully.

"I wanted to see your beautiful morning tired face." I laughed and shoved my face into his chest to shield my embarrassed expression. I put my hands on his chest and started tracing it. After a bit he grabbed my chin and lifted my head up. "You're really... really beautiful. You know that right." He said while looking at my lips. I got flustered but eventually nodded my head. Then he kissed my forehead and said "ima go downstairs and see how everyone is doing. Go ahead and pick any of my clothes to wear if you want. Oh also my mom and dads home and they don't know you're here yet so ima go tell them so they don't get confused when you come down."

"Wait your mom and dad are home run?!" I ask scared.


"Oh ok." I say scared bc I don't want to make a bad impression. After a min. Of waking up I went into Chris's closet and looked for a decent enough outfit. I found blue plaid pj pants and at shirt. They are both quite big on me but I put them on. I look at myself in a mirror and think best I can find. Im I'm their hallway and I see Matt walk out of his room. I decide to go up behind him and try and scare him but it didn't end up working.

When he turned around he said, "oh hi Lilly! How's your morning going?"

"Good except for I have to introduce myself to your parents looking like this. AND in Chris's clothing. Like what is more sketchy to a parent. Also what if they don't like me?" I spit out.

"Lilly their going to love you. Have you even ever met you? Your fantastic and loving." He puts his hand on my cheek. "Honestly your probably the best person I've met. And your absolutely gorgeous no matter what you wear." Me and him are staring into each others eyes. Matt makes me feel at peace. I feel like nothing matters anymore, except for me and him. No judgement, no expectations, no ridicule, just us. Then he breaks the silence that lasted forever and gives me a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he squeezed me tightly with his hands around my waist.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Of course. Anytime you need me I will always be here." he says then pulls away from the hug to look at me. Matt placed a small kiss on my cheek. Light and quick but I felt it for an eternity. When we looked back at each other we both had a soft smile. We felt safe with each other.

Then someone behind me says, "alright if you two are done now can I finally get by?" It was a deep voice and seemed slightly old. I turned around quickly and noticed the man.

I stood there until Matt said, "oh sry dad." And I quickly turned back to Matt with a terrified look.

"Sry Mr. Sturniolo." I said as me and Matt both stepped aside.

"It's ok." He replied as he passed and headed down the stairs.

I'm looking at Matt like what do I do? And he just grabs my cheek again and says "hey. It's gunna be ok. Now you ready?" He sticks his hand out for me to grab and so I do and we start to head downstairs. We find nick sitting at the table and Chris standing next to who appears to be his mom. Matt went to sit next to Nick while I went over to Chris.

He turned around and said "hi! Ok so Lilly this is my mom Mary Lou." She turned around and said hi in the sweetest tone and hugged me. I returned it and also said hi then Chris continued, "Mom this is Lilly. She is quite amazing and I'm sure you'll like her." Mary Lou was cooking so she continued to do that. I was on the opposite side of the island as Matt and nick and I was talking with them. I was leaning on the table towards them when Chris came up behind me and put his arms over my shoulders and around my neck. He put his head on the top of my head and we all continued talking. I grabbed his hand which was dangling down from my shoulder and held it. He now had his head on his forearm which was on my opposite shoulder. He whispered to me "I really wanna just bring you back up to my room and keep cuddling with you until we fall asleep." I giggled and looked up at him. Our faces were really close and I started looking at his lips.

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