Chapter 5: Target

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.•*•.•*•.•*•.•*• Target •*•.•*•.•*•.•*•.

Since there is 10 of us we were trying to figure out the traveling plan. "Well we could all just squish into my car and have some people sitting on the ground." Matt suggests.

"Or we could have two cars and race them!" Elmer says.

"Yeah! Let's do that. I'll drive one of the cars." Kaylee yells.

"OK I'll be the second driver." Matt says.

We all choose our cars and pile in.

Car situation:

Matt        Lilly                 Kaylee     Maddie

Chris       Trill                  Malcolm     Nick

        Nate                                  Elmer

"target here we come!" Matt yells and then the two cars start. As we are driving Chris in our car ends up getting the aux and decides to play some Dominic Fike songs. The first song to play was Double Negative.

As soon as I heard the song I yelled, "Oh! I love this song." Me and Chris and the rest of the car ends up yelling the lyrics together. We soon passed the other car and we all flipped them off when we did. They ignored us.

We were still being safe, listening to laws, keeping and eye out for stop signs, stopping at red lights, but it still was fun to see who would get there first.

Quickly Matt pulled up to target before the others and we all yelled in celebration. We got out of the car and matt and Chris dappled eachother up. The other car parked next to us and got out.

"Guess who wun." Matt said to Nick.

"Alright don't rub it in our face plz." Nick said.

"What do you mean why would we ever do that." Matt said with a smirk and than gave him an L sign with his hand and started walking to the entrance of target. Nick rolled his eyes and we all followed Matt. We entered the target and headed to the snack isles. I grabbed some redbulls and some Pepsis for energy.

Chris came up behind me and rapped his arms around my neck saying, "Good choice."

I quickly turned around scared, wondering who it was, making me and chris face to face. I now could see him and asked "Huh?" Lightly.

"Pepsi." He said looking into my eyes. We were inches apart. Not even. "Good choice on the Pepsi."

"Oh." Is all I said for the moment. I kept looking into his eyes and soon nick walked over asking chris a question.

"Hey so should we get some-" he stopped when he noticed me and chris standing there. Chris undid his arms and put his hands in his pockets while looking at Nick. I just stood there looking at the ground. It was really awkward. "You know ima just go to another Isle...."

"Uh no nick um.... What were you going to ask me?" Chris says.

"Ummm... It doesn't matter too much." Nick responds.

"Uh hey nick!" Chris runs over to nick I'm guessing so I couldn't hear him but I still could. "You know that was nothing right. We're...we're friends. Nothings going on."

"No yeah I know just-just a bit unexpected." He says.

"Fair." Chris says.

Me personally, I was confused. I mean truely I don't really know what just happened. How long was I looking at his eyes? WHY was I looking at his eyes for that long? And like that? Huh?

Chris snaps me out of my confusion by asking me, "hey is there anything else you need to get?"

"Uh nope thxs. You?" I respond.

"I was gunna grab a bag of chips. Wanna come with? I'm sure the others are over there too."

"Yeah sure!" I follow him to the chip Isle.

Elmer is filming while everyone is getting their snacks and I decide to sit in the cart. But it was kinda a struggle to get in so Matt comes up bathind me, picks me up, and puts me in the cart. Kaylee, Maddie, and I were all laughing at it but soon I decided to get comfortable in the cart. Everything was chill until we decided to go and get starbucks from the Starbucks area in the target. Nick grabs the cart and runs through the store to the Starbucks. I was laughing my ass off. Soon the group cought up and we all ordered. Once we all got our drinks we walked around the store. We got some clothes, jewelry, and candles. Nick got a pink sands one and was especially excited about it. It was quite hilarious. When he saw it he yelled "pink sands!" Loud enough for the whole store to hear. Then he hid in a corner scared that people would know it was him. Malcolm was able to get him out though. We headed around the kids section and Nick filmed us all playing a bit of mini basket ball using the mini basketball hoop and a balled up shirt. On our way to checkout we all agreed it was the best target trip we had ever had.

When we got to the car we explained to the vlog what we got.

Nick starts filming and begins with, "OK so we went to target as you saw and here is what each of us got: I got a pink sands Yankee candle and a whole bunch of snacks!"

Chris continues, "I got these cool black cargo pants and snacks and Pepsi. Obviously." He shows the camera.

"I got some sick black cargo pants as well!" Trill says showing them off to the camera. "These are totally better than Chris's."

"No their not their literally the same!" Chris yells.

"No! Anyways I also cot some energy drinks and snacks." He finishes.

Elmer was next, "I got some sacks and that's it." He smiles and exits the camera.

"I just got snacks too." Nate interject also with a smile.

"Same!" Malcolm yelled from off camera making us all laugh.

Then Kaylee went, "OK, so I got some jewelry...." She shows the camera and then finishes, "and a crewneck and of course some snacks."

"I got some snacks, some root-beer, and this oversized t-shirt." Matt says.

"I got some silver jewelry and a cropped top. AND CANDY DUH!" Maddie quickly states. "Oh also let us know down in the comments if you like gold or silver jewelry better!"

I finished it off with, "So I got some silver jewelry too and a oversized t-shirt." I showed the viewers.

Nick told the viewers where we were going next and finished filming for the time being. We all got into our separate cars and started to drive to our next destination.

Once we get there we all get out of the car and head to the entrance. There was an arcade inside the place and the mini golf was outside along with a small fair ground area. It was already like 3. We decided to do the arcade first. Matt grabbed may hand and ran me over to a game. We played it for a bit but it got boring so be dragged me over to a claw machine.

"You do know that these are always rigged right?" I ask him.

He ignores that and asks me, "Which one do you want?"


"Which one do you want me to win for you?" He asked again.

"Oh Matt you don't have to you'll probably end up wasting money on just trying to get it." I respond.

"Then I'll waste money. So what. I want to get something for you so which one?"

I look at him with a smile. He's so sweet. I grab his hand closest to me and lean my head on his shoulder. "That one!" I point to it. He smiles and starts playing. After 3 tries he gets it and hands it to me with a big smile. I hug him and thank him and we head over to the group, holding hands while we walk.

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