Chapter 2: Meeting Them

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.•*•.•*•.•*•. Meeting Them .•*•.•*•.•*•.

This chapter will contain mention of abuse in detail and rape

I pull into my best friends drive way and honk my horn to get her attention. She came out and got in the car.

This is what she was wearing:

"Hey Kaylee! How are you?" I ask

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"Hey Kaylee! How are you?" I ask.

"Good! You?" She replies.

"I'm good. Do you want the aux?"

"Yeah sure thanks. Oh! Guess what.... I have these friends who are triplets and they youtube too. They are hosting a party tonight and they invited me and told me to bring one of my friends. Wanna come?"


We got to the Mall and started to shop. I got a cute sweatshirt and some cute jeans with butterflies on them. Kaylee got some cute cropped tops. Once we were done we got in the car and did a quick haul. I started the camera and started talking.

"Hey guys so I picked up Kaylee my BFF and we went to the mall and here's what we got!"

Kaylee started talking while holding the clothing up, "So I got 3 cropped tops. Here's 1, it's a pink cropped top with a leopard on it. Hers the second one, it's blue with a black smiley face. And finally, here's my last one. It has a ambray from pink to yellow."

Now I started, "So I got these jeans with butterflies on them and than I got this really cute purple sweatshirt. Now we are going to go to a party that Kaylee says one of her friends is hosting. And guess what she says they also do youtube! So we will see you guys there!"

I shut the camera off and we start driving to the house that the party is at. It's like 20 min. Away from the mall and we got there a bit early. It's now 5:00 and the party starts at 5:30. We went up to the front door and nocked on it and a brown fluffy haired guy with a nose piercing answers it and immediately after yells Kaylee's name and give her a hug. I could tell he's a very bubblie guy and I kinda like it. He seems fun.

He was wearing this:

He was wearing this:

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