you two are a couple, yeah?

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Johnnie is nudged awake by his pillow moving (again), this time there's only one arm around him and he feels so damn comfortable. This is definitely the best sleep of his life, he's living it up. That's when alarm bells start going off in his head. His pillow is moving and he hasn't dated anyone in years.

His elbows must be digging into the person uncomfortablly or something because he hears a grumble - a very distinctly Jake noise.

"God damnit" It's just below a whisper but as he looks up, Jake peeks an eye open groggily and the blue eyed man cusses again.

"Hmm?" The taller mumbles, questioningly and Johnnie can't help himself.

"Can we just..." Fuck, this is awkward. "Stay like this for a little bit?" His voice cracks at the end of the sentance, heavy with sleep and he pleads with his eyes to not be torn away from the cuddling - probably not using his best judgement.

Jake smiles softly - and Johnnie can no longer tell if this is real life or not - then turns towards the smaller man, snuggling closer. Johnnie could die right here.

"We're never living this down" is whispered into his hair and in this moment he doesn't care about the psychological repercussions this will have on their friendship. They've done this once already, what's another notch in the cuddling bedpost? What does it matter that now they are fully aware of who they're cuddling?

Jake's fingertips move up and down his spine soothingly and his eyes are too heavy to stay awake or continue thinking about what'll happen when they have to get up.


Someone's banging at the door. Ugh. Jake flips himself over (admittedly pretty violently) to see what's going on and hears a loud thud and groan from the floor.

"Fuck man, you coulda just asked me to move - didn't haveta throw me." Johnnie slurs holding his head.

"Fuck!! Sorry!" Jake's hands hover around his friends crumpled form until he finally settles on cupping his face and checking him for injuries.

The shorter man looks like a deer in headlights at being touched so suddenly so the brunette quickly lets go, not wanting to make the other uncomfortable.

"I'm good. Just bruised, you ass." His voice is scratchy with sleep and he winces while cupping the back of his head then leans back into the floor. Jake grimaces in sympathy (and from the fact that the floor is really gross).

The knocking at the door picks back up,

"WHAT?" Jake didn't really mean to yell that loud but bygones..

"You only have the room 'till eleven."

"SHIT, thanks!" The taller replies while his very emo friend collects his bearings.

"What time is it?"

"I dunno dude." Johnnie squints, and locates a cheap electronic clock under the complimentary TV that they didn't use (after deciding it might be haunted despite previously saying they don't believe in ghosts).

It's 10:52.

"Shit, usually I wake up at eight without an alarm or anything.." Jake's schedule is thoroughly fucked which has been part of what has made him less jovial then usual for most of this ordeal.

"Yeah no, this is pretty early for me." Johnnie smiles at his own joke - Jake hopes it's a joke but be knows it probably isn't from the fact that the other often doesn't leave his room until well past noon.

"Your depression schedule doesn't count, Johnnie."

"Hey! That's my normal schedule." The smaller man smiles sardonically.

"Case and point." They both laugh, Jake runs his hand through his own hair anxiously. He never truly knows how the other is doing until he stumbles across a breakdown that the black haired man desperately tries to cover up.

He helps Johnnie get up which the other seems very surprised about (to the point that there's a bright flush highlighting his cheekbones). Then they do your average morning routine stuff, all of which is cut pretty short due to their unfortunate luck lately.

"Soo..." He gestures at the bed. "How'd you sleep last night?" He smirks towards the camera, taking a huge amount of glee in the fact that the audience has no idea how close they actually were through the 'sharing a bed' incident once again.

Johnnie wiggles his eyebrows at him and makes some joke about having sex that he plays along with. They're back to normal and he can't tell if he's relieved or somewhat dissapointed... maybe both but who's to say?


At this point, both of their phones have recharged fully and they can officially call an uber to get them home. It's been decided that Jake is gonna have to pay in full for getting them into this mess in the first place. He doesn't complain.

As they leave the creepy building, cold rain is pelting their already shivering forms - thoroughly soaking through every clothing article and makng the bone-deep chill of the previous nights worse. Johnnie is hit the worst as his body was already probably at a dangerously low temperature.

The drive might've been pretty peaceful if the uber driver wasn't literally interviewing them.

"What happened to you guys?" Johnnie just gives him a deadpan look and Jake wonders if he should check him for a concussion more thoroughly.

"Uhh we kinda got stuck in the woods..."

"Huh, how did that happen?"

Jake tells a shortened version of the story and the grey-haired man driving their car nods and 'hmm's along as if it's the most interesting thing he's heard in a while - maybe it is.

"Not the laid-back date you two were expecting, huh?" Jake turns to his friend for a reaction and notices that he's more pale then usual and his breathing seems to have sped up.

"Sir, what do you mean.?"

"You two are a couple, yeah?"

"No, we aren't.. why..?"

"Oh well, on the account that he's wearing two jackets.. I assumed one was yours.."

"Oh, well yeah. That's mine but- we're just friends and he was cold.."

"Do you often share jackets with just 'friends'?"

"Uhh yeah?." He looks at Johnnie with an expression that he hopes says something along the lines of 'backup please?' but the other doesn't meet his eyes. He actually looks like he's about to pass out.

"Earth to Johnnie??" He rests two fingers on the shorter mans forehead to check if he's burning up and the other man is frigid. He cups his face again and his friend's eyes focus on him this time but he doesn't really seem to register anything.

"Johnnie, you're really starting to scare me man.."

He looks with a terrified expression to the driver who is watching them through the rearview mirror,

"He was fine like five minutes ago?!"

"It looks like he might be going into shock kid.."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" He mutters with increased intensity.


AHAHAHAH couldnt help it.

this is very not edited once again so feel free to point out any mistakes. sorry i just had to add some drama or smt.

as always make sure to comment or vote if u like - my motivation is at an all time low always so i appreciate it!!

this scene will continue in the next chap. sorry for the fact that im only goving you crumbs of fluff <//3

i warned u abt the slowburn thing!!

so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie Guilbertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن