Life Gave me Bullets, But I Picked You

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The woman stares at the man for a long moment before looking at me.

"What if you get in trouble?"

I smile and hold her shoulder. "I'm part of the Special Forces." I hold a finger to my lips and look at everyone else too.

They all nod and she agrees too.

I squeeze her shoulder. "I was sent to do an encounter on him and find the men he employed for all of you. But I thought I would give you a chance. Would you like it?"

She looks at the gun and swallows.

"I'm not forcing you okay?" I clarify. "I can do it easily. I just want to give you a chance to feel free."

She slowly grabs the gun and holds her finger to the trigger.

I go behind her and hold her shoulders. "Since it's your first time, there might be a pushback. I'll catch you."

She holds the gun at the man's head and he clasps his hands in prayer. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!"

"Can you load the gun?" She asks quietly.

Lisa walks forward and does it for her.

She holds the gun with both hands and looks at him with a tear rolling down her face.

He shakes his head and tries to reach for her legs to beg for mercy but Lisa kicks him back hard so that he falls onto his back.


⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

She sobs out, "You know what you said to me when you brought me here? 'You're a worthless piece of trash that couldn't keep her baby alive!' Well,'re a worthless piece of trash that couldn't even save his own life! I hope you rot in hell!"

She shoots him straight in the face and the force of the gunshot shoots her into my arms and I wrap my arms around her waist.

All of the women scream and look away from his gory face.

⚠️ End of trigger ⚠️

Lisa casually pulls a black cloth from her utility belt and places it over his face.

The woman turns in my arms and sobs into my neck, dropping the gun to the ground with a thud.

I stroke her head and hold her against me.

"I...I....killed—" She sobs again and I kiss her forehead.

"You did did well."

I smile over to Lisa who winks back.

2 hours later:

"Hello everyone!" I shout as me and Lisa walk in with donuts.

We both appear at a person's desk.

I place the napkin on the person's desk and Lisa places a donut and we go around to each person doing that.

By the time everyone has one, there's two left and we hit the donuts against each other and then chomp them down.

"Jisoo! I have some paperwork you need to sign!"

I turn around and see Sam running towards me with a stack of papers.

I widen my eyes and dust my hands off. "You know what?" I turn to Lisa. "I have to go see my parents. You remember?" I hope she gets my meaning as I nod my head.

She nods back and holds my cheek. "Of course I remember! That....that....that thing!" She points at my face and I hold her finger.

"Yes! I'm so happy you remember!" I say cheerfully.

Blind In Love (Jensoo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя