Rejection Sensory Dysphoria

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Luffy POV

I wake up around 7:05 school starts 8:30. My eyes slowly open and look around my dark room.
"Alexa turn on the lights" I say. My room almost immediately being drowned in the light. I close my eyes coz i'm still a bit tired. But I have to get up. Hmmmm. I'm tired but I do feel better than last night.

The house is quiet because I am the only one who wakes up early to go to school. not fair in the slightest. Should I get up? ooh but im so comfy. I keep an eye open in order to not fall asleep again but I'm still squeezing my quilt around me.

My phone buzzes.
Then viabrates.

Who the hell is calling me at this timmmeeeeeeeuuuhhhhhhh. I pick up the phone.
"Who is this? What do you want?" I ask.
"Ur Luffy it's me? Zoro. Anyway Remember you need to pull up to school 30 minutes before it starts so we can have a quick football match with the boys." he says. and oh ma gah I forgot, Me Sanji, Ussop, Zoro, Mitsuya and the other boys on the football team were supposed to meet up. I actually cant be asked. I roll away from my phone and close my eyes.
"Luffy?" asks Zoro.
"Can you pick me up?" I ask while rolling back to my phone
"My dad won't let me use my motorbike. Plus the area you live in is so big and confusing, I wouldn't be able to find my way." he says.
"Uh I will try and be there I guess" I say and yawn.
"mhm I totally believe you. Anyways In a bit." He says
"aight" i sigh "In a bit then" I hear the phone click. FOOTBALL yesss I didn't get to play yesterday. I jump out of bed feeling way more awake than I did a minute ago. I go into my bathroom and bathe and brush my teeth. I put on my kit and pack my uniform into a bag, maybe I should try the facecare thing nami gave me. BUT I HAVE NO TIME! Its 7:30. I get out of my room and put on my trainers.

I go up to the 3rd floor where Ace's room is and bang on his door.
"OI ACEEE! DROP ME OFF AT SCHOOL! I HAVE A MATCH" I scream. no response.
"ACEEE!" I shout.
"OH MY DAYS! FUCK OFF LUFFY!" he says. rude. This is not the same man I spoke to yesterday.
"Please Ace! You drive fast! I need to be there!"
"No. Piss off."
"Can you atleast send me money"
"Fine. Now go away." He says. I sigh and walk away. I open the elevator and press the button to ground floor.

I step out and make my way to the Tv room where I can hear Sabo in talking to someone.
"Yo Sabo" I greet "Can you drop me at school?" I ask. Sabo looks at me with a funny face.
"In your dreams man. It's too early." he says. "If im getting paid I wouldn't mind so much." He says. Hm, good take.
"£50" I say.
"Not a chance" Laughs Sabo. Gosh hes so annoying.
"75" I say raising the price.
"That's pocket money. Times it by two and maybe I'll look your way." AH? This guy thinks he's a celeb. HES SO LAYZYYY O MY DAYS.
"I will kill you" i say. Actually getting frustrated.
"Fine. £75 it is." He says while sliding into his shoes. "Go to the car, I will be like 2 minutes" He says. I walk out with the biggest smile coz Sabo is gonna drop meeee! I pick up my waterbottle and go to the drivethrough. I go into the car Gramps bought Sabo (Black Tesla, white Interior) also his only car since he usually walks.

I sit in the drivers seat and start the car, the sound of the engine roars.

I open Netfix on the tablet thingy and put on 'So Not Worth It', a show I've watched like 40 times already. About a minute passes and I hear the door open.
"Get out of my seat bro" commands Sabo. I crawl over to the passenger seat.
"Why are you watching this dumb show again?" He chuckles and turns it off. He  steps on the gas.
"What time you meant to be there?"
"8. It's for a match with the boys."
"Is Zoro gonna be there?"
"Well duh." I say. We turn out of Gramps' place
"Go close the gate. Be quick about it" Sabo says while yawning. I sprint out the car and pull close the big two gates shut. I get back into the car.
"If you gotta be there for 8" Sabo says "we have 14 minutes. I'll be there in 7." Promises sabo as he speeds off.

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